** Work in progress **
This is a boilerplate express and angular application which creates a bare application containing the most common user authentication features. Examples include:
- sign up with facebook, google or manual
- email activation of account (manual sign up)
- remember me
- forgot password email
- edit profile
The boilerplate application requires REDIS for sessions and mongoDB for the user information.
Influenced from many different github repo's and online tutorial.
- Express
- Angular.js
- Jade (views / templates)
- Twitter Boilerplate
- Nodemailer (mail sender)
- Winston (logger)
- Loggly - optional logging to loggly
- Airbrake (there is an issue with the npm module - need to manually clone from github)
- Passport.JS (authentication)
- Passport.JS local (link between Passport.JS and MongoDB)
- Passport Google oAuth2
- Passport Facebook
- BCrypt (hash password)
- Testacular
- Mocha (integration/unit tests)
- should (assertions framework)
- jscoverage (code coverage)
- supertest
- Redis (Session Store)
- MongoDB (Datas)
- Mongoose (ODM)
- Connect-redis (Redis client)
- UUID js