A plugin for Xournal++ that allows bookmarks.
It does so by creating invisible layers that act as bookmarks. It comes with toolbar icons, and it can also export to pdf with the bookmarks included.
This plugin should work at least on version 1.2.3.
Please beware in case I've missed some bug, and try to keep backups in case some appear.
Copy the folder Bookmarks into the plugin folder of Xournalpp.
In order to export to pdf with bookmarks, pdftk is required. On some Linux distributions, it seems to be available as pdftk-java
In order to use the GUI to manage bookmarks, lua-lgi is required. On Windows one can follow these instructions (see below).
I had some trouble following the above instructions. Here's my fix:
After installing the mingw packages, one should quit the MSYS2 terminal and use the MSYS2 MINGW64 instead.
installs the dependencymingw-w64-x86_64-gobject-introspection-runtime
, which in its version 1.80.1 breaks something calledg_once_init_enter_pointer
, whatever that is. If this is a problem, a dirty way to fix this, is to install everything following the steps as before, and then search in the MSYS2 repo for the previous version of the problematic package, namely,mingw-w64-x86_64-gobject-introspection-runtime-1.78.1-1-any.pkg.tar
Find the file
inside that archive and replaceC:\msys64\mingw64\bin\libgirepository-1.0-1.dll
with it. (You might want to rename the old one just in case, saylibgirepository-1.0-1.dll.old
And voilà.
One is not meant to write on layers labeled as bookmark. At least in version 1.2.3 the layer being displayed in the bottom left corner is bugged and can show random layers at times. For instance, after creating a bookmark it can show that the selected layer is the one the plugin created. But worry not: the selected layer is actually the same as before the operation was done.