Welcome to my portfolio website, where you can explore my projects, skills, and learn more about me as a developer and engineer. This website serves as a showcase of my work and a platform to connect with fellow developers and potential collaborators.
You can access the website by clicking the link below: Preview EngrJerick's Portfolio Website
I am a passionate and driven engineer with a focus on [mention your area of expertise, e.g., software development, mechanical engineering, etc.]. I love to tackle challenging problems and find innovative solutions. Through this website, I aim to share my experiences, expertise, and ongoing projects with the world.
- Project Showcase: Explore a selection of my most recent and noteworthy projects, complete with descriptions and links to the project repositories.
- Skills: Discover the range of technologies and tools I am proficient in.
- Contact: Connect with me through various social platforms, such as LinkedIn, GitHub, or email.
- Blog: Occasionally, I share my thoughts and experiences through blog posts related to my field of interest.
This website is built using a variety of technologies, including but not limited to:
- JavaScript
- [mention any frameworks or libraries you used]
I welcome feedback and contributions from the community. If you find any issues with the website or have suggestions for improvements, please don't hesitate to create an issue or submit a pull request in the repository. Your input is valuable, and together we can make this portfolio even better.
Feel free to get in touch with me through the following channels:
- Email: [jerickmangalus@engrjerick.com]
- LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerick-mangalus-92066499/]
- GitHub: [https://github.com/jerickcm]
Thank you for visiting my portfolio website! I hope you find it informative and inspiring.