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🌌 Color Picker Universal 🌌

✅ Features

Pick and translate between multiple color formats, in any file.

Formats supported: rgb/a, hex/a, hsl/a, hwb/a, cmyk/a, hex 0x, lab, lch, oklab, oklch and named colors.

This extension can be used through its color pickers, commands, or context menu options.


⚙ Settings

To see settings press CTRL + , OR ⌘ + ,

Id Description Default Available values Example
color-picker-universal.disable Disables the extension false true false true
color-picker-universal.ignoreVariableName If enabled, ignores colors in variables names true true false false
color-picker-universal.preferLegacy If enabled, colors are displayed in legacy mode when possible false true false true
color-picker-universal.languages Enabled language identifiers. Use "!" to exclude languages ["*"] Default identifiers ["*", "!css", "!less", "!sass", "!scss"]
color-picker-universal.formatsFrom Enabled formats to translate from. Use "!" to exclude formats ["*"] "*" "device-cmyk" "hex" "hsl" "hwb" "named" "rgb" "hex0x" "lab" "lch" "oklab" "oklch" ["*", "!hex_0x", "!named"]
color-picker-universal.formatsTo Enabled formats to translate into. Use "!" to exclude formats ["*"] "*" "cmyk" "hex" "hsl" "hwb" "named" "rgb" "hex0x" "lab" "lch" "oklab" "oklch" ["*", "!hex_0x", "!cmyk", "!hwb"]

✍ Commands

To see commands press F1 and type Color Picker Universal

Name Command
Translate colors to another format color-picker-universal.translateColors

🗨 Editor's context menu options

To see the editor's context menu options press right click inside a file content's editor

Name Command
Translate colors to another format color-picker-universal.translateColors

🐞 Known Issues

#68 When working with css, less, sass and scss files, the color picker is duplicated due to the default Vscode color picker. Currently the only workaround is excluding these file extensions in the color-picker-universal.languages setting (see example value above)

Duplicated picker in css file

🌐 Links

Visual Studio Marketplace

Open VSX Registry

Github Repository