This is the open repository for work done within the OGC GeoSemantics DWG.
This group has been gathering change requests for GeoSPARQL 2.0 and has described the benefits of semantic and graph technologies for spatial data in a white paper, explaining the business reasons, and requirements, for a geographical query language for graphs as well as an accompanying ontology.
The GeoSPARQL SWG is actively working on updates of the GeoSPARQL standard in a separate github repository.
The charter: OGC GeoSPARQL SWG Charter
The white paper: OGC Benefits of Representing Spatial Data Using Semantic and Graph Technologies
An SWG, jointly hosted by the GeoSemantics DWG and the MetaCat DWG, is being set up for the publication of GeoDCAT, GeoDCAT-AP, and other profiles of DCAT to support use of OGC standards.