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Hi there!👋

Welcome to my portfolio project. My name is Jesus Molano, and this is where I showcase my skills, projects, and achievements as a software developer.

This portfolio project is a web application that serves as an online resume for potential employers or clients to learn more about my work and experience. It features a clean, modern design with easy navigation, and it's built using various technologies such as Astro.js, TypeScript, and Sass.

Screenshot of my portfolio project


  • Home: Where, in order, I tell a little about my background, indicate the technologies I have worked with, show the last finished project I have uploaded and a small contact section with my social networks and email.
  • Projects List: Complete list of the projects I have done ordered by date and indicating with an icon the main technology with which the project is made.
  • [Tag]: Pages are generated dynamically with all the projects with this "Tag" according to the technologies and tags provided in each project.
  • Project Details: Markdown file with the details, descriptions and images of the selected project.


This portfolio project was built using the following technologies:


I'm always looking for ways to improve my portfolio project, so any contributions or feedback are greatly appreciated. If you have any suggestions or find any bugs, please feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my portfolio project!