This projected was owned and maintained by (Walmart). This project has reached its end of life and Walmart no longer supports this project.
We will no longer be monitoring the issues for this project or reviewing pull requests. You are free to continue using this project under the license terms or forks of this project at your own risk. This project is no longer subject to's bug bounty program or other security monitoring.
We recommend you take the following action:
- Review any configuration files used for build automation and make appropriate updates to remove or replace this project
- Notify other members of your team and/or organization of this change
- Notify your security team to help you evaluate alternative options
For security reasons, Walmart does not transfer the ownership of our primary repos on Github or other platforms to other individuals/organizations. Further, we do not transfer ownership of packages for public package management systems.
If you would like to fork this package and continue development, you should choose a new name for the project and create your own packages, build automation, etc.
Please review the licensing terms of this project, which continue to be in effect even after decommission.
We found a bug in the implementation of the v0.11+ protocol wherein messages were skipped during consumption. The bug only manifests when using the newer protocol version (the default). Due to this bug and for long term maintenance, we've started investing into the Confluent.Kafka client:
Kafunk is a Kafka client written in F#.
See the home page for details.
Please also join the F# Open Source Group
Version | Status | Notes |
0.9.0 | Complete | |
0.10.0 | Complete | |
0.10.1 | Complete | |
0.11+auto | Protocol | Protocol implementation bug found (skipped messages) |
Feature | Status |
GZip | Complete |
Snappy | Complete |
LZ4 | #125 |
TLS | #66 |
SASL | #139 |
ACL | #140 |
TXNS | #214 |
#r "kafunk.dll"
#r "FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq.dll"
open Kafunk
open System
let conn = Kafka.connHost "existential-host"
// metadata
let metadata =
Kafka.metadata conn (MetadataRequest([|"absurd-topic"|]))
|> Async.RunSynchronously
for b in metadata.brokers do
printfn "broker|host=%s port=%i nodeId=%i" b.port b.nodeId
for t in metadata.topicMetadata do
printfn "topic|topic_name=%s topic_error_code=%i" t.topicName t.topicErrorCode
for p in t.partitionMetadata do
printfn "topic|topic_name=%s|partition|partition_id=%i" t.topicName p.partitionId
// producer
let producerCfg =
ProducerConfig.create (
topic = "absurd-topic",
partition = Partitioner.roundRobin,
requiredAcks = RequiredAcks.Local)
let producer =
Producer.createAsync conn producerCfg
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// produce single message
let prodRes =
Producer.produce producer (ProducerMessage.ofBytes ("hello world"B))
|> Async.RunSynchronously
printfn "partition=%i offset=%i" prodRes.partition prodRes.offset
// consumer
let consumerCfg =
ConsumerConfig.create ("consumer-group", "absurd-topic")
let consumer =
Consumer.create conn consumerCfg
// commit on every message set
Consumer.consume consumer
(fun (s:ConsumerState) (ms:ConsumerMessageSet) -> async {
printfn "member_id=%s topic=%s partition=%i" s.memberId ms.topic ms.partition
do! Consumer.commitOffsets consumer (ConsumerMessageSet.commitPartitionOffsets ms) })
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// commit periodically
Consumer.consumePeriodicCommit consumer
(TimeSpan.FromSeconds 10.0)
(fun (s:ConsumerState) (ms:ConsumerMessageSet) -> async {
printfn "member_id=%s topic=%s partition=%i" s.memberId ms.topic ms.partition })
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// commit consumer offsets explicitly
Consumer.commitOffsets consumer [| 0, 1L |]
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// commit consumer offsets explicitly to a relative time
Consumer.commitOffsetsToTime consumer Time.EarliestOffset
|> Async.RunSynchronously
// get current consumer state
let consumerState =
Consumer.state consumer
|> Async.RunSynchronously
printfn "generation_id=%i member_id=%s leader_id=%s assignment_stratgey=%s partitions=%A"
consumerState.generationId consumerState.memberId consumerState.leaderId
consumerState.assignmentStrategy consumerState.assignments
// fetch offsets of a consumer group for all topics
let consumerOffsets =
Consumer.fetchOffsets conn "consumer-group" [||]
|> Async.RunSynchronously
for (t,os) in consumerOffsets do
for (p,o) in os do
printfn "topic=%s partition=%i offset=%i" t p o
// fetch topic offset information
let offsets =
Offsets.offsets conn "absurd-topic" [] [ Time.EarliestOffset ; Time.LatestOffset ] 1
|> Async.RunSynchronously
for kvp in offsets do
for (tn,offsets) in kvp.Value.topics do
for p in offsets do
printfn "time=%i topic=%s partition=%i offsets=%A" kvp.Key tn p.partition p.offsets