- PyGame environment, consisting Chosen One (agent), Gun and Bullets
- Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Training, consisting Chosen One (agent) and Generator (Gun)
- Trained over 1K epochs of 500 timesteps.
- Chosen One
- Model: 5 hidden layers, 100 hidden channels
- Reward function: +1 if surviving, -50 if hit
- Discount factor (g): 0.995
- Exploration policy: Epsilon-greedy (e = 0.3)
- Experience replay: Buffer (size = 10^6)
- Game Environment
- State dimension: (25,)
- Agent: jumps, xpos, ypos, touchingObst, gravityCurrent
- 5 Entities: x, y, speed, angle
- Action space: (3,)
- Agent: left, right, jump
- Generator: weapon_type, x, y, angle
- State dimension: (25,)
- DDQN - Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning
- ChainerRL - Deep Reinforcement Learning Library
- PyGame - Python Game Library