Status: development - expect bugs, breaking changes
Tracing library for Go.
It wraps in a single call :
- logging,
- metrics,
- tracing.
We are currently using log15, go-metrics and appdash, but those libs can be swapped with other libs, provided you build wrappers for the lib.
// start a trace
t := trace.New(req.RequestURI, []trace.Wrapper{gometrics.Wrap(metrics.DefaultRegistry), log15.Wrap(log.DefaultLogger), appdash_trace.Wrap(appdashCollector)}, trace.FromHttpRequest(req))
// start a span
span := t.BeginSpan("DB transaction", trace.Metric("db.transaction"))
// send a log event
span.Event(trace.LogEvent(trace.LvlErr, "Unable to do something : %s", err))
// update the "request" timer, log the request with the duration and the status code
t.End(trace.Metric("request"), trace.AddContext(trace.Context{"status": statusCode}), trace.Level(trace.LvlInfo))
wrappers must implement the following interface :
type Wrapper interface {
Setup(name string)
Child(name string) Wrapper
Event(e Event)