The goal of redditoR is to provide an R wrapper to the API of You need to have an account with reddit to use redditR. Additionally, an app needs to be defined in the settings of your account here.
Further information about the API can be found here.
You can install the current version version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is an example workflow to access data through the reddit API:
#Load the package
# Get a token for the scope "read" with the username and password of your account,
#the client id and secret of your app and a useragent.
read_token <- get_token(scope = "read", useragent = useragent,
username = username, password = password,
client_id = client_id, client_secret = client_secret)
# Get 10 new posts from the subreddit r/soccer
soccer_posts <- get_posts(subreddit = "soccer",
accesstoken = read_token,
sort = "new",
limit = 10)
For the second example we will get the top 10 comments made by Barack Obama on his account U/PResidentObama.
#For the comments on his account we need an access token with the "history" scope.
history_token <- get_token(scope = "history", useragent = useragent,
username = username, password = password,
client_id = client_id, client_secret = client_secret)
#Get the top comments with the function get_user and type = "comments
top_comments <- get_user(user = "PresidentObama",
type = "comments",
accesstoken = history_token,
sort = "top",
time = "all",
limit = 10)
- Please report any issues or bugs.
- License: GPL-3
- Cite with