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A 1D fungeoid inspired by Backhand.

Unlike Backhand, the default step of the instruction pointer is 2.

This can be seen from the following example:

1 2 + z #

Before the terminate # instruction, only 1, 2, +, z are executed, so this will output 3.

After halting, if nothing is outputted, the entire stack is chr'd before outputting as a single string, so nothing additional is outputted.

IP wrapping

Right bound

If the IP goes over the right bound, it will wrap backwards (like Backhand).

Whenever IP points to a position after the end of program, the amount that IP goes over the last character is used as a backwards index to the next character scanned by IP.

This can be visualized as follows (suppose our program is 5 chars):


      _ Our IP goes 2 characters out of bounds,
        so we flip whatever amount IP goes over the end of the program
        back as an index into the progam.
   <<   (Now we're pointing to d)
        Execution goes over the left bound, so program is terminated.

Suppose our program is 4 chars:

a    Bump IP like normal.
    _ IP goes 1 char out of bounds, so use that as a backwards index:
   <  (Now IP is pointing to `d`)
      Execution is terminated since IP goes out of bounds.

Left bound

If the IP goes over the left bound, the rebounding also uses the IP offset as a backwards index. i.e. IP is set to len(self.prog) - self.ip.

Since the IP will usually step to the index -1 if it is facing left, you can expect that IP will (usually) jump to the last character of the program.

E.g. :

1B2A| # C

Execution order:

    |        Mirror: reflect IP
             Index of -1: IP is set to len(prog) - 1
        C    This means it continues at the character C.
      #      End the program.

IP mirroring

  • If the IP facing left, it moves left 1 position. If it's facing right, it moves right 1 position.

  • Then, the IP reverses direction, and steps to the next instruction using the current IP step.

If you want to add the behavior of mirroring to your code, you have 4 options:

  • |: Directly mirror the IP, like I've described above.
  • :: Only mirror if TOS is nonzero (pops TOS).
  • $: Mirror if TOS is nonzero (does not pop TOS).
  • &: A kind of filter loop. Described below.

How the filter loop works

Basically, the filter loop does the following in each iteration:

  1. self.acc -= 1
  2. Pop condition from TOS:
    1. If condition is truthy: shift TOS downwards.
    2. Otherwise: Drop TOS.
  3. If self.acc > 0: mirror the IP.

An example of a filter loop

The following program filters out all odd-indexed items of the input list:



_            Read a list from the input (dumping onto the stack)
  w          Push the length of the stack
    A        Store the length to the accumulator
             ## Filter loop ##
      a          Push accumulator
       I         Bitwise AND with 1 (this is our condition of the filter loop)
     &           This does the following:
                     1. acc -= 1
                     2. Pop the condition (which is the parity of our iteration index)
                         i. If condition is truthy, we put TOS to the bottom.
                         ii. Otherwise, if it's falsy, drop TOS. (No stack shifting happens)
                     3. If acc > 0: mirror the IP.
                 So basically this goes back to `a` until the filter loop is done.
            ## End filter loop ##
   @        Print the entire stack as a list
 #          End the program

If you want to do a map loop, just do whatever operation you want on the TOS, and push a condition of 1 at the end of the filter body.

Reduce loops can be implemented quite easily.

One approach: repeat len(stack) - 1 times: 1) shift bottom of stack to top (i.e. 1 m). 2) Apply whatever binary operation you want in the reduce loop. Repetition can be implemented as a : with the accumulator pushed as the condition of the :.

Stuff from Backhand

Like Backhand, you can use ) to increment the step of the IP, and ( to decrement the step of the IP.

I also added ? to conditionally skip the next N iterations of the program.

Data structures

Flip has a stack and 2 accumulators. The relevant operations are listed below:

  • a: Push the accumulator to the stack (initially 16)
  • A: Pop TOS to the accumulator
  • h: Push other accumulator to stack (initially -1)
  • H: Pop TOs to other accumulator

Instruction reference


Instruction Description
0-9 Push a number onto the stack (single-digit).
j Push 10.
u Push 30.
U Push 12.
y Push 25.
C Push 100.
b Push 20.
" Start / End string mode, in which all characters in betwen have their ord codes pushed onto the stack.
' Push the ord code of the next character read by IP.

Arithmetic and Math

Instruction Description
+ Add: ( a b -- a+b )
- Subtract: ( a b -- a-b )
* Multiply: ( a b -- a*b )
% Modulo: ( a b -- a%b )
/ Float Division: ( a b -- a/b )
^ Exponentiation: ( a b -- a**b )
~ Negate TOS.
] Increment TOS.
[ Decrement TOS.
Instruction Description
= Equals? (a == b)
< Less than? (a < b)
> Greater than? (a > b)
F Within range (inclusive)? (N l r -- l <= N <= r)
! Logical not.
c Logical and.
B Logical or.
I Bitwise and.
p Bitwise or.
r Bitwise xor.
Instruction Description
d log10.
E Absolute value.
G Truncate to integer.

Stack operations

Instruction Description
D Dup. (x -- x x)
v Over. (x y -- x y x)
s swap. (x y -- y x)
; drop. (... x -- ... )
a Push the accumulator onto the stack.
A Pop TOS to accumulator.
h Push other accumulator to stack.
H Pop TOS to other accumulator.

Stack arithmetic

Instruction Description
Z Push the sum of the stack (clears the previous stack).
w Push the length of the stack.
R Reverse the stack.
m Pop N: stack = self.stack[N:] + self.stack[:N]
t Sort the stack.
k Take: stack = stack[-stack.pop():]
W Uniquify the stack.
Y Repeat each item of the stack TOS times.
T All: stack = [all(stack)]
X Remove all occurrences of TOS from the stack.
e Modular indexing: push stack[stack.pop() % len(stack)].
x Index of TOS in stack, or -1 if not found.
Q Push number of occurrences of TOS in stack.

Control flow

Instruction Description
| Mirror the IP.
: mirror if tos is nonzero (pops tos).
$ Mirror if TOS is nonzero (does not pop TOS.)
& Filter loop.
) Increment IP's step by 1.
( Decrement IP's step by 1.
# End the program.
? Pop cond, N; Skip next N commands if cond is falsy.


Instruction Description
o Print the entire stack as a chr'd string.
N Same as o, but without a trailing newline.
@ Debug: Print the entire stack.
z Pop & print TOS as a number.
q Pop & print TOS as a character.
g Read a single character from the input. Or 0 on EOF.
_ Read a line from the input, eval as Python:
str: push the character codes onto the stack.
list: push all items of list onto stack.
int / float: push item onto stack.