RxJson is a non-blocking, event-driven JSON parser designed primarily for use with RxJava observables. The goals of the library are:
- Lightweight, no other libraries required
- Can map JSON to built-in Java types (Map, List, String, Number, boolean, null)
- Custom handlers can easily be created for handling parts of a JSON document as they are read/received
- Easy integration with RxJava observables
RxJava is not required to use the parser, but obviously the RxJava support will not work without it.
Read JSON from a String as a Java object:
Object jsonValue = Json.parseAsJavaObject("[true, false, \"foo\"]");
assertThat(jsonValue, is(asList(true, false, "foo")));
Respond to elements of an array as they are read (e.g. print them to System.out
Json.parse("[true, false, \"foo\"]", onArray(() -> onAny(System.out::println)));
Read JSON from a String as a Java object:
Observable<String> jsonInput = Observable.from("[true, false, \"foo\"]");
Observable<Object> jsonValue = jsonInput.lift(fromCharSequencesToJavaObject());
assertThat(jsonValue.toBlocking().single(), is(asList(true, false, "foo")));
Respond to elements of an array as they are read (e.g. print them to System.out
PublishSubject<String> jsonInput = PublishSubject.create();
jsonInput.subscribe(fromCharSequences(onArray(() -> onAny(System.out::println))));
jsonInput.onNext("[true,"); // prints out 'true'
jsonInput.onNext( "false, \"fo"); // prints out 'false'
jsonInput.onNext( "o\"]"); // prints out 'foo'