A fresh approach to deep learning written in Julia.
In Julia, type the following to install the package:
To properly edit the Meganet source code in Julia, use the following steps:
Pkg.checkout("Meganet") # check out the master branch
<here, make sure your bug is still a bug and hasn't been fixed already>
;git checkout -b myfixes # create a branch for your changes
<edit code> # be sure to add a test for your bug
Pkg.test("Meganet") # make sure everything works now
;git commit -a -m "Fix foo by calling bar" # write a descriptive message
using PkgDev
(As per https://docs.julialang.org/en/stable/manual/packages/#Package-Development-1)
This will present you with a link to submit a pull request to incorporate your changes. The changes will then be reviewed prior to being merged with the stable package.