Simple web app to subscribe to the calendar offered by the Campus Office of RWTH Aachen. (See @Faerbit's fork to get this running for the Campus Office of FH Aachen)
cabal sandbox init # Create a sandbox
cabal install # Installs all dependencies and builds campus, may take a while
PORT=3000 CAMPUS_USER=ab123456 CAMPUS_PASS=password cabal run # to run campus
docker run -e CAMPUS_USER=ab123456 -e CAMPUS_PASS=password jhedev/campus
Run the following commands:
heroku create --stack=cedar --buildpack
git push heroku master # This may take a while
heroku config:set CAMPUS_USER=ab123456 # Your campus office user id (matriculation number)
heroku config:set CAMPUS_PASS=password # Your password
heroku open # open the app