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Atom package used to create commands for processes.


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Process Palette

With Process Palette you can add custom entries to the command palette to run any command that you typically would from a terminal. This prevents you from having to switch to a terminal each time you need to run something and is especially useful for commands that you use regularly.

See the changelog for the latest improvements.

Quick Start

Install Process Palette and then either generate or download a configuration file.

Generate Configuration

  1. Open the Process Palette panel by choosing Packages|Process Palette|Toggle from the menu or Process Palette: Toggle from the command palette. The following panel will appear: Screenshot
  2. Create a global configuration or project specific configuration with the respective Do it! buttons.
  3. Load the new configuration files by choosing Packages|Process Palette|Reload Configuration from the menu, Process Palette: Reload Configuration from the command palette or simply pressing the reload button at the bottom.

Download Configuration

  1. Download the example process-palette.json configuration file and place it in the root of your project folder.
  2. Load the new configuration file by choosing Packages|Process Palette|Reload Configuration from the menu or Process Palette: Reload Configuration from the command palette.

These example configurations define a command that will echo a message to standard output. It can be run by choosing Process Palette: Echo Example from the command palette. This will open the Process Palette panel and show the output. The panel can also be opened directly by pressing Ctrl-Alt-P or running Process Palette: Toggle from the command palette.

It also contains an example called Stream Example to show the direct stream ability. When streaming is enabled the output is written directly to the target without being formatted.

Next Steps

  1. Poke around in the configuration file a bit. Just remember to run the Process Palette: Reload Configuration command after making changes.
  2. Read the rest of this document. Especially the Properties and Variables sections for extra flexibility.


Commands are specified with a configuration file in JSON format. The name of the file must be process-palette.json and should be in the root of your project folder. If you have multiple project folders, each with its own configuration file, then their configurations will be merged.

A process-palette.json file can also be placed in your ~/.atom folder. If that is the case then it will be loaded first and any project specific files will be loaded afterwards.

Basic Example

A process-palette.json configuration file contains an array called commands. The following is an example of an empty array:

  "commands" : [

Each entry in the array is an object that describes one command. The most basic configuration simply specifies the command to run and associates it with an action. The following command will run Ant without any arguments:

  "commands" : [
      "command" : "ant",
      "action"  : "Ant default"

Tip! : All process-palette.json configuration files can be reloaded by running the Process Palette: Reload Configuration command. It can be found in the Command Palette or in the Packages|Process Palette menu.

The new command will cause an entry to be added to the command palette called Process Palette: Ant default.


The working directory used when running a command is by default the project path, but it can also be configured. More on this in the Advanced Configuration section.

Command line arguments can also be specified in the form of an array of strings. The following example adds another command that causes the clean target to be executed by means of an argument:

  "commands" : [
      "action"  : "Ant default",
      "command" : "ant"
      "action"  : "Ant clean artifacts",
      "command" : "ant clean"

Reloading the configuration will cause the command palette to now have two new entries:

  • Process Palette: Ant default
  • Process Palette: Ant clean artifacts

The namespace used for all commands is by default Process Palette. This is also configurable. One must just be careful to not override commands in existing packages.

Let's modify the previous two commands to use a namespace call Ant:

  "commands" : [
      "namespace" : "Ant",
      "action"    : "Default",
      "command"   : "ant"
      "namespace" : "Ant",
      "action"    : "Clean artifacts",
      "command"   : "ant clean",

After reloading the configuration file the entries will be:

  • Ant: Default
  • Ant: Clean artifacts

Shortcut Keys

Custom shortcut keys can also be associated with commands by adding a keystroke entry. Let's add the keystroke Ctrl-Alt-A to the Ant: Default command:

  "namespace" : "Ant",
  "action"    : "Default",
  "command"   : "ant",
  "keystroke"  : "ctrl-alt-a"


After reloading the configuration the Ant: Default command can be run by pressing Ctrl-Alt-A.

User Interface

Process Palette Panel

Process Palette has a small panel that lists all the commands that are configured. It can be toggled by pressing Ctrl-Alt-P or from the menu Packages|Process Palette|Toggle. From here one can see all the commands and also run them.


Pressing the down arrow in the top right corner will hide the panel.

Process Instances

Multiple instances of a process can run at a time. The process ID of each instance is shown on the right in the form of a button. Pressing the button will show that process' output. The process can be manually terminated by pressing the square stop button next to the process ID.

Process Output Panel

If the command is configured to output to the Process Palette panel then clicking on the process ID button will cause the panel to switch to showing the output of that process.


The other process instances will still be shown, but the selected one will be highlighted.

Scroll lock can be toggled with the lock button. Scroll lock will also enable when one starts to scroll or clicks on the output. It will automatically disable when one scrolls to the bottom.

The output can be cleared by pressing the trash can button.

From here one can return to the list by pressing the button in the top left corner.


Each time a process is executed a message will be shown in the top right hand corner. A successful execution with an exit status code of 0 will show a success message. Anything other than 0 will show a warning. What these messages display can be configured or even disabled completely as will be seen in the Advanced Configuration section.

Advanced Configuration

The namespace, action, command and keystroke aren't the only properties that can be configured. Of these only the action and command are required. The rest are optional and have default values.

Many of the properties can be parameterized with variables from the environment. The following two sections describe the configurable properties and also the variables that can be used to parameterize them.


Property Description Default
namespace The namespace under which the command is categorized. This forms part of its identity in the Command Palette. "Process Palette"
action (required) The name of the action. This, together with the namespace, gives the command a unique identifier in the Command Palette. null
command (required) A string with the name and arguments of the command to execute. null
arguments An array of strings to pass as arguments to the command. Since v0.4.10 arguments can be added directly to the command property's value, however this approach can still be used. [ ]
cwd The working directory from which to execute the command. It doesn't have a default value, but one is automatically determined when the command is executed. If projects are open then the first project's folder is used. If there aren't any projects open then the folder of the process-palette.json file is used. null
keystroke A string describing the shortcut to associate with this command. It can be any combination of ctrl, alt, shift and cmd followed by another key separated with - characters. null
env A map of environment variables. These will be made available in addition to the ones that are already defined in process.env { }

The following properties relate to the output produced by the process. The output can be redirected to a particular target. It can also be formatted depending on whether the process executed successfully or not. Giving any of the xxxOutput properties a value of null will prevent that output from being shown.

Property Description Default
outputTarget Where the output produced by the process should be directed to. It can have one of the following values: "panel", "editor", "clipboard", "console" or "void". If the value is overridden with null then it will default to "void". More on this below. "panel"
successOutput The format of the output when the process returned with an exit status of 0. "{stdout}"
errorOutput The format of the output when the process returned with a non-0 exit status. "{stdout}\n{stderr}"
fatalOutput The format of the output when the command could not be executed at all. "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}"
stream Indicate whether the output should be streamed. If this is false then the output will be formatted and sent to the target only after the process completes. If it is true then the output, both standard and error, will be streamed to the target without any formatting applied. false
autoShowOutput If the panel should automatically be made visible when the process produces output. At the moment this only applies when outputTarget is set to panel. true
scrollLockEnabled If scroll lock should automatically be enabled. This only applies when outputTarget is set to panel. false
maxCompleted The maximum number of completed processes whose output to keep at a time. It is used to automatically discard the oldest completed process in order to prevent them from piling up. This property only applies when the outputTarget is set to panel. It can be disabled by setting the value to null in which case all panels will have to be discarded manually. 3
outputBufferSize The maximum number of characters to accumulate from standard output and error. When the buffer size is reached the oldest output is discarded. This is not applied to the output target, but only to the output accumulated in the stdout and stderr variables. This limit can be disabled by setting it to null, but should be done with caution for long running processes. 80000

The following properties relate to the messages shown after a command is executed. Giving any of the xxxMessage properties a value of null will prevent that message from being shown.

Property Description Default
successMessage The format of the message when the process returned with an exit status of 0. "Executed : {fullCommand}"
errorMessage The format of the message when the process returned with a non-0 exit status. "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}"
fatalMessage The format of the message when the command could not be executed at all. "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}"

Output Targets

The outputTarget property specifies where the output produced by the process should be directed to. The following are valid targets:

Target Description
void The output will not be captured at all.
panel The output will be shown in Process Palette's panel. Running a command that outputs to the panel will automatically open it if autoShowOutput is true.
clipboard The output will be stored on the clipboard. Streaming to the clipboard is not supported. If stream is true when the output target is clipboard then streaming will be disabled.
editor The output will be inserted into the open editor at the current cursor position. If an editor is not open the output is lost.
console The output will be appended to the developer console.
file The output will be written to a new file that will be opened in the Atom workspace.

The default value of outputTarget is "panel". If it is overridden with null then it will default to "void".


Some of the properties can be parameterized with variables. Variables are added by enclosing the name of the variable in braces : { and }. The default values of some of the properties are already parameterized as can be seen in the tables above.

There are two types of variables : input and output. Input variables are available before the process executes and output variables are available after it has executed.

The following tables list the input and output variables:


Variable Description
clipboard Text currently on clipboard.
fullCommand The full command along with its arguments. Both the command and arguments will have their variables resolved.
configDirAbsPath Absolute path of folder where the process-palette.json configuration file is that defines this command.
projectPath If projects are open then the first project's folder will be used. If there aren't any projects open then the path of the folder containing the process-palette.json file is used.

Input from editor

The following input variables are only available if an editor is open. Their values default to an empty string otherwise.

Variable Description
fileExt Extension of file.
fileName Name of file without extension.
fileNameExt Name of file with extension.
filePath Path of file relative to project.
fileDirPath Path of file's directory relative to project.
fileAbsPath Absolute path of file.
fileDirAbsPath Absolute path of file's directory.
selection Currently selected text.
fileProjectPath Absolute path of file's project folder.


These variables are only available after the process has executed. They can therefore typically be used in the output and message related properties.

Variable Description
stdout Standard output produced by the process.
stderr Standard error output produced by the process.
exitStatus Exit status code returned by the process.

Applying Variables To Properties

The table below shows which properties support input variables and/or output variables:

Property Input Output
cwd yes no
env yes no
command yes no
arguments yes no
successOutput yes yes
errorOutput yes yes
fatalOutput yes yes
successMessage yes yes
errorMessage yes yes
fatalMessage yes yes

The namespace, action and keystroke properties do not support variables. The env property supports variables only in its values, for example :

"env" : {
  "MYVAR" : "{fileName}"

A useful way of seeing the values of the variables is to add them to one of the output properties and then executing the command. For instance :

"successOutput" : "File path : {filePath}\nProject path : {projectPath}"

will show the values of filePath and projectPath respectively.

Another way is to simply echo them as shown in the example.

Keep in mind that the arguments property is an array of strings. Adding variables to arguments should therefore be done as such:

"arguments" : ["{fileNameExt}", "{selection}"]

Known Issues

Background Processes

Process Palette considers its process to be completed only when all commands have finished executing. For instance, if a command is executed with an & appended then Process Palette will continue to handle the output produced by it until the child process spawned by that command exits.

This in itself is not a major problem. The issue is that Process Palette currently cannot kill child processes that are executed in this way. If the command executed with & opens a window then closing the window will allow the parent process to complete, but if it doesn't then one will have to kill the process by whatever means your OS allows.


Atom package used to create commands for processes.







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