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EPIC - Efficient Power Index Computation




C++ Compiler, GNU make, GMP (Gnu Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library), Git (optional)

If you need help to install the prerequisites, see the install prerequisites section below.


  1. If not already done, download the repository. This can be done in two different ways:
    1. Clone the repository using git (git clone
    2. Download the repository as ZIP archive using the download dropdown menu on the Repository overview. The archive must get extracted after download.
  2. Go to the cloned or extracted directory (cd <path_to>/epic) (in MSYS2 the drive C: can get accessed via cd c/).
  3. If the GMP library was manually downloaded and installed (not covered in this manual), add its installation directory with the -L option to the LDFLAGS variable in the makefile.
  4. Compile the application using make (make all). Checkout all available targets using make help.
  5. The compiled application epic will appear in the top-level directory


If you want to remove all compilation products including the application itself, use make clean

Install prerequisites


  • Download and install MSYS2 according to the instructions on the website.
  • Install the required packages using pacman -S msys2-devel make git gmp gmp-devel
  • Now continue with the instructions in the Compile section running the commands in the MSYS2-Terminal.


All the needed tools can be installed using the distributions package manager (e.g. for apt package manager run: apt install gcc git make libgmp-dev).


  • Download XCode's command line tools by running xcode-select --install in Terminal
  • Through HomeBrew install the other dependencies by running brew install git gmp


First open a terminal and go to the epic/ directory: cd <path_to>/epic. After that the program can get called by typing ./epic (./epic.exe on Windows) followed by the options listed below. Additional to the lists below you can always get this information by calling ./epic --help.


required? option argument description
yes -i / --index index shortcut the index to compute
no -p / --precoalitions has to be set when working with precoalitions the structure of the precoalitions (*1)
yes -w / --weights .csv file the player weights for the weighted voting mGame (*2)
yes -q / --quota integer or float the quota for the weighted voting mGame (*3)
no -v / --verbose no argument adds extra output
no --quiet no argument reduces output to a minimum
no -f / --filter-null no argument excludes null player from the calculation (not compatible with all indices!)
no --gmp no argument enforces the use of GMP-classes for large integer calculations
no --primes no argument enforces the chinese lint theorem for large integer calculations
no --float no argument reads the weights and the quota as floating point numbers
no --csv no argument write the results into a .csv file

(*1) Has to be before -w. When setting the precoalitions to 0, the precoalitions will be read from the weightsfile. This also means that the weightsfile has to be written accordingly. If defined in the weightsfile, the players in the same precoalition should all be in the same line and seperated by ",". A new line is a new precoalition. If precoalitions are defined in the command line, playernumbers in a precoalition will be connected with a "+" and seperated with a ",". Playernumbers are from 1 to n. For example: "-p 1+3,2+4,5" would be a preacoalition between player 1 and 3, player 2 and 4 while player 5 is alone.

(*2) The .csv file must contain one weight per line. The weights must all be integers unless you set the --float flag.

(*3) When setting the quota to 0, the first line of the weights file will be interpreted as the quota to use. This might be useful for automated program calls.

Available indices

shortcut name
ABZ Absolute Banzhaf
APG Absolute Public Good
APIG Absolute Power Index G (based on the Dubey-Shapley identity)
BZ Banzhaf
BO Banzhaf Owen
BOB Banzhaf Owen from below
BZB Banzhaf from below
CC Coleman Collective
CI Coleman Initiative
CP Coleman Preventive
DP Deegan Packel
FT Felsenthal
HN Harsanyi Nash
J Johnston
KB Koenig Braeuninger (based on the Dubey-Shapley identity)
KBPH Koenig Braeuninger (based on Raw Public Help Theta)
N Nevison (based on the Dubey-Shapley identity)
NPH Nevison (based on Raw Public Help Theta)
O Owen
OPGI Owen Extended PGI
OB Owen from below
PG Public Good
PHT Public Help Theta (based on the Dubey-Shapley identity)
PHTPH Public Help Theta (based on Raw Public Help Theta)
PHX Public Help Xi
PIF Power Index F
PIG Power Index G (based on the Dubey-Shapley identity)
PIGPH Power Index G (based on Raw Public Help Theta)
RA Rae
RBZ Raw Banzhaf
RBZB Raw Banzhaf from below
RDP Raw Deegan Packel
RFT Raw Felsenthal
RJ Raw Johnston
RPG Raw Public Good
RPHT Raw Public Help Theta
RPHTSD Raw Public Help Theta (based on the Dubey-Shapley identity)
RPIG Raw Power Index G
RPIF Raw Power Index F
RSH Raw Shapley Shubik
SCB Symmetric Coalitional Banzhaf
SCBB Symmetric Coalitional Banzhaf from below
RSHB Raw Shapley Shubik from below
SH Shapley Shubik
SHB Shapley Shubik from below
SPGI Solidarity Public Good Index
T Tijs
TPGI1 Threat Public Good Index 1
TPGI2 Threat Public Good Index 2
TPGI3 Threat Public Good Index 3
UPGI Union Public Good Index
W Number of winning coalitions
WM Number of minimal winning coalitions
WS Number of minimal winning coalitions of smallest cardinality


For a simple example we want to calculate the Banzhaf index for a simple 5-player mGame with the weights (9, 5, 3, 1, 1) and quota 11. Therefore create the file weights.csv inside the epic/ directory and add the weights (one per line): 9, 5, 3, 1, 1.

Then call the program: ./epic -i BZ -w ./weights.csv -q 11 -v

By adding the -v we get extra output like the raw Banzhaf values and the total number of swings (sum over the raw Banzhaf values).

For developer

Everything described in this section was only tested on Linux (Ubuntu). To use the mentioned tools and procedures may need some modifications to run them with MSYS2 on Windows.

Documentation generation


doxygen, graphviz (for generating graphs), LaTeX (only for pdf documentation), GNU make (only for pdf documentation)


  1. running doxygen Doxyfile generates the docs directory
  2. For the html documentation open docs/html/index.html
  3. For the pdf documentation:
    1. goto the docs/latex directory
    2. run make
    3. open docs/latex/refman.pdf



clang-format (apt install clang-format)


The style is defined in the .clang-format file.

  1. manual: clang-format -style=file -i <file(s)>
  2. script: run the script to format all .h and .cpp files in the directory