Semester project for CPSC 4620 titled RangeFinder. This web based application is a social media that allows users to search a database of mountains and Users and keep track of which mountains they've climbed as well as see which Mountains their friends have climbed. They can also like or leave comments on the Mountains.
Benjamin Hargett - bharget
Jacob Hurd - jhurd
The site is organized into one root folder which contains the entry level php files for the site. The Home page, about page, icons, and anything else needed for those pages to work(Navigation/Footer) are stored here. Beyond that there are a series of folders that contain other useful files to allow our site to run as intended visually. These folders are font, img, api_keys, javascripts, and stylesheets. These handle all images, styles, and animations of the site. There is also a backup folder at this level which is where database backups are stored and restored from. Everything else in this level is php functions that correspond to different elements in our database. These are mountains, php, users, and admin. Within each of those are several php files that run to make the site interact with the database in a visually dynamic way.
Username: admin
Password: password