Damn Vulnerable Peripheral Device (DVPD) for Bluetooth LE Hacking learning and practice.
DVPD is a nodejs tool designed to understand and learn more about Bluetooth LE devices
hacking without the need of actual hardware device
git clone https://github.com/ji2kumar/dvpd.git
1. Nodejs Bleno Package <https://github.com/sandeepmistry/bleno#prerequisites>
2. Bluetooth LE 4.0 Adapter
sudo node dvpd.js
1. Kali Linux
2. Raspberry Pi3
1. DVPD mobile application source code can be taken from [here]: https://github.com/0ddblade/dvpd
1. if script not running, check Bluetooth adapter state.
> hciconfig
if "DOWN" then run following command:
> hciconfig hci0 up [e.g. hci0, might be different for you so put which is in use for you]
Name: Jitendra Kumar
Twitter: @ji2kumar
1. Narendra Kumar (twitter: @0ddhawk)