- Write basic crawler to get list of URLs for single domain
- Feed base root URLs from text file
- Connect crawler to a persistence database [MySQL]
- Convert the list of domains into a data frame/structure for analysis
- Build a database of domains to crawl
- Blacklist websites using CDNs/dynamic websites
- Configure MySQL to Redis
- Redis - graph data structure to retrieve required information
- Write end-points to retrieve data-points for Front-end
- Display the total number of backlinks in the database
- Query the API to retrieve total number of backlinks
- Domain Object Spec
- JDBC Connection Spec
- Crawler Spec
- Webclient Spec
- getBody() Spec -> parser
- Work with dynamic website by implementing a headless browser - HTMLUnit OR Selenium
- Rotating Proxies to avoid bot check & circumnavigate CDNS e.g. cloudFare, Distill Network
- Building jar file of the web crawler to work on multiple physical machines -> Akka Compile Issue
- Memory optimization - use of CountdownLatcher
- Integrate Kafka+Kafka API to stream data from crawler to database and onto a front-end for 'real-time' feedback
- Abdusamed
- Ming
- Chi