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Releases: jianmingyong/Fossil-Fighters-Tool

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v2.1.0

02 Sep 16:55
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Change Logs from v2.0.0:

  • CLI: Changed the behavior of compress command such that using -c options will now ignore meta.json file.
  • CLI: Changed the behavior of compress command such that using -c options with the following -c none -c <whatever> will now be automatically fix to -c <whatever> as order does matter.
  • CLI: Changed the behavior of compress command such that included file names had to be numbers only and exclude the output file name as well.
  • CLI: Added convert dtx command to convert the generated json file to dtx file format. Old generated json file from v2.0.0 and below are not supported.
  • GUI: Added nds output file that trims the dsi header and data.
  • GUI: Added progress bar for responsiveness
  • GUI: Added a way to cancel an ongoing compression.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.
  • text folder - Containing Game Texts.
  • msg folder - Containing Game Message Texts.


  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)
  • For GUI version, decompression DO NOT export extra file other than the origin bin files.
  • CLI and GUI version are standalone, they do not depend on each other. Although GUI version do require the dll/so/dylib files in order to run.

For CLI (fftool):
To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

For GUI (fftoolgui):
Double click fftoolgui.exe or use the console to open the program ./fftoolgui. Sorry in advance that linux and macOS users will need to use the console to open the program.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v2.0.0

25 Aug 14:21
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Change Logs from v1.8.0:

  • Added a few more dummy error checking.
  • Added fftoolgui which is a GUI version of the Fossil Fighters Tool. (Sorry for macOS, you have to open via console as it would be a pain to sign the app via the app bundle)
  • Changed the meta.json output to a more friendly version. Old meta.json files are still supported.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.
  • text folder - Containing Game Texts.
  • msg folder - Containing Game Message Texts.


  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)
  • For GUI version, decompression DO NOT export extra file other than the origin bin files. This is not supported yet as of yet.

For CLI (fftool):
To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

For GUI (fftoolgui):
Double click fftoolgui.exe or use the console to open the program ./fftoolgui. Sorry in advance that macOS users need to use the console to open the program.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.8.0

15 Aug 14:28
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Change Logs from v1.7.0:

  • Fixed RLE compression yet again for a pretty rare case that I forget to handle.
  • Added the ability to define metaFile selection when compressing via compress -mf <file> where file by default is "meta.json"
  • Removed the convert command as that is not a finished feature. Sorry that it was actually shown in the help menu.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.
  • text folder - Containing Game Texts.
  • msg folder - Containing Game Message Texts.


  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.7.0

14 Aug 14:42
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Change Logs from v1.6.0:

  • Added file metadata as "meta.json" for compression.
  • Added read only json text file output for supported bin files.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.
  • text folder - Containing Game Texts.
  • msg folder - Containing Game Message Texts.


  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.6.0

15 Jun 18:00
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Change Logs from v1.5.0:

  • Added a feature to directly extract from .nds file. (Simply drag the nds file into the program)
  • Added json text file output for text and msg folder contents.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.
  • text folder - Containing Game Texts.
  • msg folder - Containing Game Message Texts.


  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)
  • Only the 0.bin output files are able to be compressed. Custom outputs like images and json text files are not supported.

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.5.0

27 Sep 14:37
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Change Logs from v1.4.0:

  • Fixed lzss compression mode.
  • Fixed command line bug if it matches some default commands like --version

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.


  • You are required to extract the Fossil Fighters or Fossil Fighters Champion ROM contents by using third party tools. (Nitro Explorer 3 / Crystal Tiles / Desmume)
  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.4.0

19 Sep 05:26
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Change Logs from v1.3.0:

  • Fixed image folder bug where pixels are incorrect due to BG mapping. Now it should be able to handle every image file.
  • Fixed lzss compression mode. (RLE remains broken)
  • Added icon for the cli tool.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.


  • You are required to extract the Fossil Fighters or Fossil Fighters Champion ROM contents by using third party tools. (Nitro Explorer 3 / Crystal Tiles / Desmume)
  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.3.0

05 Sep 18:42
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Change Logs from v1.2.0:

  • Added more image folder support. (Not all files would generate or would generate properly)
  • Added file compression back to MAR format. (For raw binary files)
  • Added command line interface

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.


  • You are required to extract the Fossil Fighters or Fossil Fighters Champion ROM contents by using third party tools. (Nitro Explorer 3 / Crystal Tiles / Desmume)
  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the fftool and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.2.0

16 Aug 14:33
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Change Logs from v1.1.0:

  • Added image folder support. (Not all files would generate or would generate properly)
  • Fixed RLE decompression size.
  • Added decompression size verification.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.
  • image folder - Containing Background Images / misc.


  • You are required to extract the Fossil Fighters or Fossil Fighters Champion ROM contents by using third party tools. (Nitro Explorer 3 / Crystal Tiles / Desmume)
  • This is a one way decompression and as such, you won't be able to edit and re-insert into the game just yet.
  • There is no UI or command in the program just yet.
  • For image, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the snd_data.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the Fossil Fighters Tool.exe and it will do the job for you.

Fossil Fighters Assets Extractor v1.1.0

13 Aug 18:58
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Change Logs from v1.0.0:

  • Added LZSS and RLE decompression.
  • Fixed a bug with images having wrong file sizes.

Extra Files Supported:

  • motion folder - Containing UI/Sprites.


  • You are required to extract the Fossil Fighters or Fossil Fighters Champion ROM contents by using third party tools. (Nitro Explorer 3 / Crystal Tiles / Desmume)
  • This is a one way decompression and as such, you won't be able to edit and re-insert into the game just yet.
  • There is no UI or command in the program just yet.
  • For images, you are required to have both the corresponding *_arc.bin file and the target image file in order to work. You will only need to drag the folder containing these files to bulk extract them :)
  • For music, you can use (Require the *.sdat file in etc folder)

To use this program, simply drag the file / folder that you want to decompress into the Fossil Fighters Tool.exe and it will do the job for you.