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Scripts and examples for GSearch paper

Scripts for analysizing results from the GSearch software:

Note: you can directly go to step 3 and 4 and skip step 1 and 2 for testing the recall of GSearch using several testing genomes. Step 1 and step 2 is to produce ground truth for your query genomes based on blastn-ANI/blastp-AAI. Step 1 and 2 is very expensive and take days to run on modern clusters.

1. ANI and AAI calculation

ANI and AAI was calcualted using the ani.rb/aai.rb scripts from the Kostas's lab, which can be found in the scripts directory. Several dependencies must be installed to run the scripts:

  1. Ruby (>v2.7)
  2. Blast+ (>v2.14.0, ANI computation is faster using new parallelism model in blastn and blastp)
  3. perl
  4. GNU parallel, for fasta file processing
  5. python

We provide a bash script to run search of query genomes against database genomes based on aai.rb/ani.rb script

### this is a very expensive step and often takes more than several weeks even on a decent computer cluster for running one genome against all GTDB v207 (65,703 genomes). Thus we also provide the top 20 truth from the output of this step (truth_test.txt) in the example directory for testing purposes.

### first of all, prepare everything needed
git clone
chmod a+x ./gsearch_analysis/scripts/*
### copy to you user path, use system path as an example
cp ./gsearch_analysis/scripts/* /usr/local/bin/

### get GTDB v207 nt genomes and search/compare use ani.rb
tar xzvf ./gtdb_genomes_reps_r207.tar.gz

### or download all NCBI/RefSeq proakryotic genomes viar the download software

### unzip all genomes, database genomes and query genomes
find ./gtdb_genomes_reps_r207 -name "*.fna.gz" | parallel -j 10 "gunzip {}"
gunzip ./example/test_data/query_dir_nt/*.gz

find ./gtdb_genomes_reps_r207 -name "*.fna" > gtdb_name.txt
./scripts/ -i gtdb_name.txt -n ./example/test_data/query_dir_nt/test01.fasta -m ani -o test01_ANI_search.txt
tail -n +2 test01_ANI_search.txt | sort -k 2 -g -r > test01_ANI_truth.txt

### get GTDB v207 aa genomes and search use aai.rb
tar xzvf gtdb_proteins_aa_reps_r207.tar.gz
find ./gtdb_genomes_aa_reps_r207 -name "*.faa.gz" > gtdb_name_aa.txt
./scripts/ -i gtdb_name_aa.txt -n ./example/test_data/query_dir_aa/test01.faa.gz -m aai -o test01_AAI_search.txt
tail -n +2 test01_AAI_search.txt | sort -k 2 -g -r > test01_AAI_truth.txt

2. Run GSearch to get gsearch.answers.txt for query genomes against pre-built database

### get the binary for linux (make sure you have recent Linux installed with GCC, e.g., Ubuntu 18.0.4 or above)
wget --no-check-certificate
chmod a+x ./gsearch

### get database and prepare
tar xzvf ./GTDBv207_v2023.tar.gz
cd GTDB/nucl/
tar xzvf ./k16_s12000_n128_ef1600.prob.tar.gz
cd ../../

### get gsearch.answers.txt output, it can also be found in example directory
### output will be in the current directory
./gsearch -b ./gsearch_analysis/example/test_data/query_dir_nt -r GTDB/nucl/k16_s12000_n128_ef1600_canonical -n 50

3. Transform results from GSearch output distance to ANI

According to equation: $$ANI=1+\frac{1}{k}log\frac{2*J}{1+J}$$

where J is Jaccard-like index (e.g. Jp from ProbMinHash or J from SetSketch) and k is k-mer size used in gsearch (default 16 for nt and 7 for amino acid). The 5th column of gsearch.answers.txt can be transformed into ANI by using this following script:

### reformat
cd ./gsearch_analysis
grep -E "*query_id*" ./example/gsearch.answers.txt > ./example/new.txt

### the $5 column is distance (1 - Jaccard index), transformation is the above mentioned equation. Output is query name, subject name and ANI
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}{print $3,$7,log((1-$5)*2/(1-$5+1))/16+1}' ./example/new.txt > ./example/ani.txt

4. Calculate recall based on gsearch.answers.txt and true ANI hits found by ani.rb or aai.rb

### prepare files for each query
### test genome 01 top 10 by gsearch
grep -E "*test01.fasta.gz*" ./example/gsearch.answers.txt | grep -E "*query_id*" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}{print $7}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{print $3}' | head -n 10 > test01.answers.top10.txt
### test genome 02 top 10 by gsearch
grep -E "*test02.fasta.gz*" ./example/gsearch.answers.txt | grep -E "*query_id*" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}{print $7}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{print $3}' | head -n 10 > test02.answers.top10.txt

### count intersection between neighbors found by GSearch and ground truth for the same query genome, where file_1 and file_2 are best top K target names by GSearch and ground truth respectively.
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=1; next} {if($1 in a)print $0}' ./example/test01.truth.txt ./example/test01.answers.top10.txt | wc -l | awk '{print $1/10}'


  1. Jianshu Zhao, Jean Pierre Both, Luis M Rodriguez-R, Konstantinos T Konstantinidis, GSearch: ultra-fast and scalable genome search by combining K-mer hashing with hierarchical navigable small world graphs, Nucleic Acids Research, 2024;, gkae609,


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