Go package for fetching and manipulating exchange rates from the European Central Bank.
ecbratex is inspired by openprovider/ecbrates, but has some additional features.
- Different data structures for storing time series rate records: choose the most suitable for your purpose or use a sane default!
- Rates approximation if there is no rates records for the desired date. (see example)
- Simple interface to convert amounts from one currency to another in both minor and major units! (see example)
More examples can be found here.
package main
import (
func main() {
record, _ := ecbratex.FetchLatest()
// get latest USD exchange rate:
usdRate, _ := record.Rate("USD")
fmt.Printf("Latest USD rate (%s): %f\n", record.Date.String(), usdRate)
// convert 500 USD to EUR:
amount, _ := record.Convert(500, "USD", "EUR")
fmt.Printf("500 USD = %f EUR\n", amount)
package main
import (
func main() {
// fetch all exchange rates records:
records, _ := ecbratex.FetchTimeSeries(ecbratex.PeriodWhole)
// get USD rate on 2000-02-14:
date := record.NewDate(2000, 2, 14)
//date := time.Date(2000, 2, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // you can also use time module instead
usdRate, _ := records.Rate(date, "USD")
fmt.Printf("USD rate on %s: %f\n", date.String(), usdRate)
// convert 999 USD to EUR on 2000-02-14:
result, _ := records.Convert(date, 999, "USD", "EUR")
fmt.Printf("999 USD = %f EUR on %s\n", result, date.String())
Note: rates of some of these currencies are only present in historical data and not present in the latest rates.