- Visual Studio 2017
- .NET Core SDK 2.2
- Nuget
- DDD Architecture (still working on it)
- Entity Framework Core
- Autofac Dependency Injection
- Microsoft Identity
- Xamarin Forms
- NUnit
- Azure Pipelines
- appsettings.json -> Change DefaultConnection to your Database Connection String
- PersonalTrainerWebDbInitializer.cs -> Add/Remove/Change Roles
- PersonalTrainerWebDbInitializer.cs -> Add/Remove/Change User
- Program.cs -> Change the CreateWebHostBuilder method based on your needs
- Run the following commands on Package Manager Control
- Add-Migration Initial -Context PersonalTrainerWebContext
- Add-Migration Initial -Context TrainersContext
- Update-Database -Context PersonalTrainerWebContext
- Update-Database -Context TrainersContext
- From command line
- dotnet ef migrations add Initial -c PersonalTrainerWebContext
- dotnet ef migrations add Initial -c TrainersContext
- dotnet ef database update -c PersonalTrainerWebContext
- dotnet ef database update -c TrainersContext
- Complete tests
- Deploy the WebApp
- Create a docker image of the application
- Add Xamarin Forms
- Create CRUD for Xamarin Forms