Zėndi provides Stellar Lumen wallets to everyone who has a working email address. It even allows people to exchange Lumens between emails, whereas accounts are created automatically if the email of the recipient not yet linked to an account. The idea behind Zėndi is to be as simple and minimalistic as possible. You don't even need a password. Every authentication is done in a passwordless manner.
Clone with git clone --recursive https://github.com/jinnerbichler/zendi
in order to include submodules.
Run with
python manage.py runserver
in order to start Zendi locally.
The file docker-compose.yml
sets up a composition of necessary services (e.g. Postgre database), which can be used for local development.
docker-compose up
for building the application and start necessary services via Docker.
- Python: Version 3.5
- Docker: Version 18.03.0-ce
- Docker-compose: Version 1.20