let AnonTab = `${NoScript + HTTPSEverywhere + PrivateBrowsing + proxy}`
AnonTab allows you to browse safely, anonymously and privately to any suspicious URLs from within your everyday browser!
This extension simply equips your web browser with a special tab in which your real IP address is masked via public Google proxy servers; all connections are SSL/TLS encrypted. No tracking, no logs, no scripts and no history entries—totally off the record browsing. Fear not!
Built on top of DOMPurify.
- For Firefox: AnonTab.xpi (also on store)
- For Chrome/Chromium: AnonTab.crx
Leakproof against HTTPLeaks:
And also IPLeak:
Yes, unless you can bypass both of DOMPurify and the restricted content security policy in place (plus a few more little restrictions).
Go check the reviews.