NSQ client for laravel
Dependency | Requirement |
PHP | >= 7.1.0 |
Swoole | The Newer The Better No longer support PHP5 since 2.0.12 |
pecl install swoole
composer require jiyis/laravel-nsq
# If it is multiple, please separate them with ","
php artisan make:job NsqTestJob
you need set two property. public $topic;
public $channel;
class NsqTestJob implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
public $topic = 'test';
public $channel = 'web';
public function handle()
$client = $this->job->getCurrentClient();
$payload = json_decode($this->job->getMessage(), true);
// the data you want to be publish
$str = [
'message' => 'this is a message',
'user_id' => 1
// not supported dispatch
Queue::connection('nsq')->push(new NsqTestJob, $str);
php artisan queue:work nsq --sleep=3 --tries=3 --timeout=500 --job=App\\Jobs\\NsqTestJob