Welcome to the zsummerX wiki!
zsummerX is an C++ cross-platform, high-performance and lightweight net library.
the interface use proactor, the implementation used by EPOLL LT / IOCP / SELECT, it's can work in windows / linux / mac .
it's support TCP, UDP, HTTP , and provide a easy frame interface that you can use a little code to implement/join one strong server .
zsummerX depend by C++ 11 implementation
zsummerX是C++11实现的proactor模型的网络库, 实现分底层,frame层.
底层是封装不同平台差异化的接口并提供一个统一的proactor接口, 使用epoll,iocp,select实现, 其中select兼容linux和mac系统以及其移动平台的adroid,iOS系统, 支持tcp,udp协议.
frame层提供高级的封装, 通过勾选option选项,可以很方便的实现http协议处理(简单的web服务器或者客户端), 自定义的二进制协议(默认的二进制tcp协议是proto4z实现的), 并支持短线重连, rc4连接加密, 支持flash的Policy策略认证, 支持最大连接数,最大消息队列等.
###compile conditions
on windows need VS2013 or latter version
on linux need g++ 4.7 or latter version
###how to compile on linux, mac
cd zsummerX/
cmake .
###how to compile on windows
open zsummerX.sln and compile
cd zsummerX/example/bin/
./frameStressTest_d 81
cd zsummerX/example/bin/
./frameStressTest_d 81 1
Web Site: www.zsummer.net
mail: yawei.zhang@foxmail.com
github: https://github.com/zsummer