MSL (pronounced 'Missile') stands for Mock Service Layer. Our tools enable quick local deployment of your UI code on Node and mocking of your service layer for fast, targeted testing.
Check out our talk at GTAC 2014 (Google Test Automation Conference @ Google Kirkland)
Here is the link to getting started
Release 1.1 - The latest version as been released! - 05/17/2017
Release 1.0 - 07/29/2014
We encourage contribution from the open source community to help make MSL better. Please refer to the development page for more information on how to contribute to this project including sign off and the DCO agreement.
If you have any questions or discussion topics, please post them on Google Groups.
Local install
npm install msl-server
Global install
npm install -g msl-server
If you installed it locally:
./node_modules/msl-server/bin/msl [options]
If you installed it globally:
msl [options]
Options for MSL Server:
- --port => specify the port that server will be listening on local host, default is 8000.
- --basedir => specify the root directory(absolute path) of the app you want to launch locally, default is the directory where you run the command.
- --debug => specify whether to output log in console or not, default is false.
- --extensions => specify extension files you want to plugin to MSL to parse URL differently.
msl --basedir=./msl-sample-app --port=8001 --debug=true
You need require mslMiddleware module from msl-server:
var msl = require('./node_modules/msl-server/mslMiddleware.js');
Then pass options to the msl instance, and use it as an express router:
var options = {
express: [express instance],
debug: [],
extensions: [],
localAppDir: [__dirname]
var mslRouter = msl(options);
Browser Client
Download mockapi-browser.js or reference directly from cdnjs. Download appcontainer-driver.js or reference directly from cdnjs.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Java Client
Include 'msl-client-java' as maven dependency
Node Client
Install Node client:
npm install msl-client
Use Node client in scripts
var msl = require('msl-client');
If you want to run your tests using Karma, you can easily integrate MSL by using our Karma Plugin. Simply add 'msl' as one of your karma frameworks in your karma config and specify the MSL configurations. MSL Server will start automatically and your tests will run through Karma. When the tests are finished, MSL Server will shutdown automatically.
The easiest way is to keep karma-msl
as a devDependency in your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"karma": "~0.12.0",
"karma-msl": "~0.0.14"
You can simply do it by:
npm install karma-msl --save-dev
Integrating MSL with Jasmine tests (you can also integrate with your favorite testing framework)
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
frameworks: ['jasmine, msl'],
files: [
// configuration for msl plugin
msl: {
port: '8002', //port to start msl server. 8000 by default.
basedir: '../src/', // directory containing the app code (front-end code under test). current dir by default.
debug: 'true', // true to turn on debugging. false by default.
extensions: 'parseUrl.js' // specify extension files you want to plugin to MSL to parse URL differently.
// this port should match the msl port specified in msl plugin config
proxies: {
'/' : 'http://localhost:8002/'
// this port should match the msl port used within the tests
port: 8001,
Our project is built automatically on Travis-CI for all pull requests and merge requests.
To build the Java client, please use Maven. You can download Maven here.
# Clone MSL git repo
git clone git://
cd msl-client-java
# Run package to compile and create jar
mvn package
After you checkout the code, execute E2E tests by running test/ from the root folder. This script will:
- Install msl-server
- Start sample app using msl-server
- Build client
- Run unit/integration tests
MSL project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0