Elixir port for tty0tty
null modem emulator
This library is almost exclusively for testing purposes. tty0tty
creates 2
pseudo-ttys that are connected together allowing you to run unit tests which
use serial ports (like Circuits.UART
without the need for external hardware of adapters.
defmodule SerialTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "can open a serial port" do
{:ok, uart} = Circuits.UART.start_link()
port_name = "/tmp/dummy1"
# Open serial port before use
{:ok, _port_sup} = TTY0TTY.open(port_name)
assert :ok = Cicuits.UART.open(uart, port_name)
Under the hood, TTY0TTY.open/2
opens 2 devices (<port_name>
, and
) and connects their TX <-> RX to emulate the serial
connection. This allows you to also verifying reading serial data by sending
data to the connected twin port:
defmodule SerialTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
test "can read a serial port" do
{:ok, uart} = Circuits.UART.start_link()
port_name = "/tmp/dummy1"
# Open serial port before use
{:ok, _port_sup} = TTY0TTY.open(port_name)
assert :ok = Cicuits.UART.open(uart, port_name)
File.write!([port_name, "-twin"], "howdy!")
assert_receive {:circuits_uart, ^port_name, "howdy!"}