Mboff is tiny CLI that allows the optimisation of MBTiles by removing unnecessary data. You only need to provide it with a key/value pair and mboff
will search and remove such data.
brew tap jjcfrancisco/mboff # Adds the Github repository as a tap
brew install mboff
requires you to at least give a path to the existing MBTiles file and the key/value pair of the data you wish to remove from the file. Optionally, you may want to filter the removal of data by zoom level:
mboff [file path] [key value pair] [zoom level]
# Remove data that contains category=road key/value pair
mboff myMap.mbtiles category=road
# Remove data that contains category=road key/value pair in zoom level 10
mboff myMap.mbtiles category=road 10
- A command for checking if a key/value pair exist in a MBTiles file and how many times is present.
- Extend/add validation for args