The author of this application and his associates had the need to be able to generate an organisational chart.
The first attempt was to create and maintain an organisational chart using Microsoft Office. However, it quickly became clear that this approach did not really scale to the size of organisation we wanted to present.
Hence this simple project was created and, after no thought whatsoever, made available on GitHub. As you can imagine it comes with no warranty or restrictions.
Of course, the actual names of the organisational chart itself is not made public .... the example uses a number of mocked up names
This is a simple single module Maven project. Clone the project and build it:
mvn clean install
In the root of the project run:
java -cp "target/appassembler/repo/*" com.jsteenkamp.orgchart.ProduceChartFromFile <input-file-name>
If you don't have a file yet - you can use: 'graph-example.txt'
java -cp "target/appassembler/repo/*" com.jsteenkamp.orgchart.ProduceChartFromFile src/main/resources/graph-example.txt
If all is well - the system will produce a Graph Modelling Language Output :
The best tool I found to open it was yEd :
This input file format is as naive and simple as you can get. Effectively it uses new lines and tabs to demarcate different organisational boxes (the new lines) and the levels in the organisation (the tabs).
If you want to have a 'placeholder' - you prefix it with a '#'. This means that while the box will be visible, it will have no label.
Bob TopManager
John Secondton
#Peter Placeholder
Josef Level
Mary Speller
Joe Bloggs
Peter Hay
Phillip Intern
Sue Binary
James Thirdson
Ben LastManager
Cassandra Underling
Stephen Smith
Laura James