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Junpei Kawamoto edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 1 revision

To update configuration of roadie, use roadie config command. It provides four sub commands:

  • project shows and updates project ID of Google Cloud Platform,
  • zone shows and updates zone used to run scripts,
  • type shows and updates machine type used to run scripts,
  • bucket shows and updates bucket name used to store related files.

Note that every configurations are stored to '.roadie' in the current working directory. You can also update configurations without this command by editing that file.


Project ID is an ID registered in Google Cloud Platform. You can find your project ID here.

To check the project ID currently set to roadie, run

$ roadie config project

and to set another project ID PROJECT, run

$ roadie config project set PROJECT

Valid project ID is required to access Google Cloud Platform. If you set correct project ID but any commands such as roadie config type list fail, make sure you have authenticated your computer by checking gcloud auth list shows your account is credentialed.


In Google Cloud Platform, the platform is divided into several zones based on actual locations where virtual machine will run. You can find current available zones by running

$ roadie config zone list

By default, us-central1-b is chosen. To check current zone, run

$ roadie config zone

and to set another ZONE, run

$ roadie config zone set ZONE


There are some options about machine type on which your program runs. Each machine type has different number of virtual CPUs and RAM. You can find available machine types by running

$ roadie config type list

and here is more information about machine types and their pricing. Available machine types might be depended to which zone you choose. You should set zone before checking machine types.

By default, n1-standard-1, which has 1 vCPU and 3.75 GB RAM, is selected. To check current machine type, run

$ roadie config type

and to set another TYPE, run

$ roadie config type set TYPE


Bucket is a place to store any data including source codes and outputs from your program. Each bucket is identified by bucket name and it must be unique in the world. You can choose any name but it is recommended to use same name as your project ID. Actually, by default, roadie sets the project ID to the bucket name.

To check current bucket name, run

$ roadie config bucket

and to set another bucket name NAME, run

$ roadie config bucket set NAME