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Junpei Kawamoto edited this page Jul 10, 2016 · 1 revision

roadie manages three kinds of data in a cloud storage; source codes, input data, outputted results. To access those data, roadie has commands source, data, and result, respectively.

source command

source command provides a way to access your source codes uploaded by roadie run command with --local flag.

To check source files uploaded, run

$ roadie source list

and to delete some file named FILENAME, run

$ roadie source delete FILENAME

data command

data command manages input data files which may be used in data section in your script file.

To upload a data file FILENAME, run

$ roadie data put FILENAME

To check uploaded files and their URL, run

$ roadie data list --url

The URLs shown by the above command, which start with gs://, can be used in data section in your script file.

To delete some file FILENAME, run

$ roadie data delete FILENAME

result command

result command manages outputs from instances and downloads them to your PC.

To check instance names which have results, run

$ roadie result list

and to check file names which instance INSTANCE has as its result, run

$ roadie result INSTANCE

To download those files into directory ./res, run

$ roadie result get INSTANCE "*" -o ./res