.NET Web Api: CRUD application (Create, Read, Update and Delete) basic operations. Focus on how to implement different technologies.
Legend (status implementation):
- ✅ Implemented
- ❔ Pending
Current state of development:
Status | Description | |
1 | ✅ | Database persistence (using EF Core as ORM). |
2 | ✅ | Docker-compose to create differnt containers for database and webapi |
3 | ✅ | Web Api Authentication |
4 | ✅ | Web Api Authorization |
5 | ✅ | Web Api Health checks |
6 | ✅ | Solution with architecture layers (services with application logic, repository pattern, data access logic and data seeded for development environment) |
7 | ❔ | FastEndpoints (pending) |
8 | ✅ | Integration tests |
9 | ❔ | Web Api response with batching and pagination |
- Windows:
docker-compose.exe -f ./docker-compose.yml -p soccer-crud up --build
- Linux
sudo docker compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -p soccer-crud up --build
After running the last command open the URL: