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A web server with extra powers. Run your own stuff.


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Altcloud is a web server with some niceties build in so that you can create real applications without any backend code or external services.

The idea is to set up an altcloud server on something like a Digital Ocean instance or a C.H.I.P. and run multiple sites off of that single server.

Altcloud is powered by simple configuration files and uses the local filesystem for storage. It doesn't scale, and that's just fine.

This implementation of the altcloud server is written in node.js, but the specification is platform and language agnostic.

DISCLAIMER: this is beta software. Please don't trust it just yet.


Currently, altcloud supports:

  • static files serving
  • YAML front matter
  • layouts
  • Markdown
  • friendly urls
  • virtual hosts
  • usernames and passwords
  • basic auth
  • cookie-based sessions
  • token-based authentication
  • path-based access rules
  • PUT and DELETE operations (when authorized)
  • JSON collections
  • path rewriting
  • custom headers
  • automatic HTTPS via Let's Encrypt
  • optional dat support


npm install -g altcloud

Then create (or go to) the root directory for your server. You'll want to generate keys for token signing and create a user.

altcloud keys
altcloud add-user your-username your-password

That will create a public and private key under .keys and add a username and hashed password to .passwords.

(If you're only using the static file server and not authenticating users, you can skip this step.)

Feature documentation

Static file serving

This one is easy: any file within your root folder will be served by the server, with the exception of .keys/private.key (which will never be served) and special files like .access, .passwords, and .tokens (which by default are not served, but that can be overriden using access rules).

YAML front matter

YAML front matter is a handy way of specifying metadata in a text file. It looks something like this:

layout: layout.html

Regular file contents go here!

That top part, separated by ---, is YAML front matter. We use this for things like layouts.

All files with an html, md, or markdown extension will be scanned for front matter.


If there's a layout specified in the YAML front matter, the contents of the layout file will be used as the "shell", with variables from the front matter passed along, and the contents of the requested file available as content, and the current user as currentUser.

Here's an example. If you have this file saved as layout.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>{{ title }}</title>

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <h2>{{ author }}</h2>

    {{ content }}


...and the following saved as post.html:

layout: layout.html
title: Example Post
author: Jesse Kriss

<p>This is a boring example post.</p>

...then that will be rendered as:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Example Post</title>

    <h1>Example Post</h1>
    <h2>Jesse Kriss</h2>

    <p>This is a boring example post.</p>


Note: the contents of the requested file are injected directly, without additional variable replacement. (You can't use front matter variables in the main content.)

That said, the layout file is processed with the Liquid template language. You can provide additional variables in the front matter of the layout file itself. (This is handy for generating navigation links or other iteration-driven template elements.)


Markdown is a handy way to write lightly formatted html. If you have a file with a suffix of md or markdown, that will be converted into html.

Markdown files can have YAML front matter, and work with layouts.

Friendly urls

You can leave the suffix off of html, md, and markdown files. That is, a request for /post will return the rendered result of /post.html if no post file is present. Also, / will server up index.html,, or index.markdown.

Requests for directories without a trailing slash will redirect to the slash version (e.g. /some-dir -> /some-dir/) and serve up the index page, if present.

Virtual hosts

Like the good/bad old days of Apache, altcloud supports virtual hosts. This means you can run multiple domains with a single server process and configuration.

Let's say you have the following directory structure:


If you run altcloud in that top level directory, you will be able to reach http://localhost:3000/top-level.txt, http://localhost:3000/site1/1.txt, and http://localhost:3000/site2/2.txt, but also http://site1.localhost:3000/1.txt and http://site2.localhost:3000/2.txt.

If you're running this on a server that has * set up for it in DNS, then you can reach and

Virtual hosts can be specified by their full hostname, too, so you don't have to have everything on the same top level domain.


Usernames and passwords

Usernames and passwords are stored in a .passwords file in the root directory, kind of like the .htpasswd files that Apache uses for basic auth.

This is a YAML file where each entry is username: hashedPassword. We use bcrypt for password hashing.

The easiest way to add a user is with the altcloud add-user command:

altcloud add-user some-username some-password

Please make a note of the password you provide via the command line, since it cannot be extracted from the hashed version stored in the .passwords file.

The .passwords file must be in the root directory for the server, not in subdirectories (even if they're virtual hosts). All sites served by a given altcloud server will have the same users and passwords.

Basic auth

Once a username and password pair is present in .passwords, those credentials can be provided via basic auth. Altcloud will not prompt for credentials, however, so this is most useful for command line tools like curl.

Cookie-based sessions

The most comment way to authenticate is by POSTing username and password to the special /login endpoint. This can be as a regular form post, or json.

The simplest method is to have a form like this (typically at /login.html, but that's up to you):

<form method="POST" action="/login">
  <input type="text" name="username"></input>
  <input type="password" name="password"></input>
  <button type="submit">Log in</button>

If login is successful, the altcloud server will set a session cookie and redirect to /.

To log out, either navigate to /logout, or do an HTTP GET for /logout via ajax. That will clear the session cookie.

Cookie details

The session cookie is JSON web token, signed (and verified) using the keys in .keys. For security reasons, it is not available via javascript.

To make life easier, altcloud also sets a cookie with JSON-formatted user information (currently just username) named _acu. (You'll need to parse the JSON in your javascript code, since cookies are stored as strings.) This cookie is not used for authentication.

TODO: add example handler for failed login

Token-based authentication

Sometimes it's handy to be able to authenticate with a single token, provided as a querystring parameter. (This is especially useful for webhooks.)

You can generate a token for this purpose by running the altcloud add-token command:

altcloud add-token some-username

This will add a line to the YAML-formatted .tokens file of the form token: username.

Then you can make requests like '/some-path?token=token-value' and authenticate that way.

Path-based access rules

This is the key to making altcloud flexible enough to be interesting, even without backend code.

The access files are inspired by Apache's .htaccess files, but follow a different format and approach.

Any directory in your altcloud server path can contain a .access file. It's a YAML file listing url path patterns and associated rules.

Here's an example:

  read: user1

  read: [user1, user2]

This, as you'd expect, means that only user1 can view /secret.txt, but both user1 and user2 can read /another-secret.txt.

You can also use the special role authenticated, which will apply to anyone who is logged in.

  read: authenticated

It's also possible to use variables in the paths. A segment of a path (between slashes) is specified by :variable and a wildcard match (anything including slashes) is specified by *variable. Then, in the rules, you can use $variable.

This lets us do things like create per-user spaces. For instance:

  read: $user

...means that user1 can read /~user1/secret.txt or /~user1/subfolder/secret.txt, but nobody else can.

PUT and DELETE operations

PUT and DELETE are disallowed by default, but can be explicitly allowed via access rules. Building on the previous example:

  read: authenticated
  write: $user
  delete: $user

This means that each user can write to (and delete from) their own ~username directory, but authenticated users can view anything in that directory.

You've probably realized that with these permissions, each user could also edit their own .access files within their user subdirectories and determine what's allowed within their space.

JSON collections

It's often handy to return multiple data files with a single request. If a path is marked as a collection, then that path will return a json file containing the file names and contents for all the files in that directory.

For example:

  read: authenticated
  write: $user
  delete: $user

  collection: true

This access file means that each user can write messages into their user-specific list of messages, and they can all be fetched together at /messages.json.

That is, if messages/user1.json contains [{ "content" : "hi!" }] and messages/user2.json contains [{ "content" : "hey!" }], then /messages.json will return

  "messages/user1.json": [{ "content" : "hi!" }],
  "messages/user2.json": [{ "content" : "hey!" }]

Path rewriting

If you want a single page to handle a whole set of urls, you can set a rewrite rule for a path. In your access file, you can do this:

  rewrite: /people

And all requests for /people/whatever/else will be handled as if they were requests for /people. This is a nice way to do have a single handler for a range of urls where the data is actually fetched client side. (It's like single page apps, but with the option of having a set of pages.)

If you want the slightly more typical behavior of returning the index.html file for all 404s, you can do this:

  404: index.html

(The *splat must be quoted, since a leading "*" character indicates an alias in YAML.)

Custom headers

If you want to add http headers for a given path or pattern, you can add a headers value to the .access file.

For instance, to cache all paths under /assets for 24 hours, add this:

    Cache-Control: max-age=86400

Automatic SSL via Let's Encrypt

You'll always want to use SSL in production, since the session cookies (and tokens, and basic auth creds) are unprotected otherwise.

Happily, the amazing Let's Encrypt project means we can get SSL certificates for free, and automatically.

You'll want a .config file in your root directory that looks something like this:



npm install -g altcloud

You can also specify the port, e.g. altcloud -p 8888, or use the debug flag to see all logs (altcloud --debug).

To host all of your files (even private keys and private files) as a dat repo, run with the --dat flag. Your dat url will be saved in .dat-link in your working directory.

Installing on Digital Ocean

Starting from Ubuntu 16.04:

# install node
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs build-essential

# create a user for altcloud
adduser --disabled-password --gecos ""  altcloud

# let node run on low numbered ports (like 80, 443)
setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep `readlink -f \`which node\``

# install altcloud
npm i -g altcloud

Then you'll want to set it up as a service. Copy config/altcloud.server to /etc/systemd/system/altcloud.service.

# create a webroot directory as the altcloud user
su altcloud
cd ~
mkdir webroot

# create the keys

# switch back to root and enable the service
systemctl enable altcloud
systemctl start altcloud


A web server with extra powers. Run your own stuff.







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