Experiment of face detection algorithm MTCNN ported to Golang on party people highly on drugs.
First, make sure you have all dependencies installed with running
brew install opencv go libtensorflow
Then, get the code
go -u -v github.com/jkuri/party-face-detection
...then, cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/jkuri/party-face-detection
and build the app
At last, run ./build/party-face-detection
to process the video.
Usage: party-face-detection [<flags>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-f, --file="./data/videos/ag.mp4"
Input video file.
-m, --model="./data/models/mtcnn.pb"
MTCNN TF model file
Sample video is downloaded from YouTube here and is from parties in Ambasada Gavioli, Slovenia that lasted in 2009.