This is a personal project of systems integration that implementes Public APIS, TelegramBot, GoogleAPI & PandoraBots...
NOTE: Pandorabots is called trough an API that is hosted at there is a DLL provided in this repo located at: \tbot\ChatterBotAPI\ChatterBotAPI.dll , you can always remove this dll, and add your own pre compiled dll.
All features were made for fun. In time more commands will be added like weather lookups etc...
Edit: TBotConf.json located at the TBot/ Project
"ChatGroupID": "-99999999", //the chatroom id, note you need to create a chatgroup and add the bot to the group
"TelegramBotAPI": {
"KEY": "0********1:BE**************************dhYf" // your telegramBot api key
"GoogleAPI": {
"KEY": "BJ*************************XvN", // your google API KEY
"CX": "04*************21:bab" // your goole CX KEY
NOTE: this bot uses an SQLITE database to store users: sqlite database name and path :P
int amountUsers;
DataTable dt;
string myDBName = "TBot.db";
string myExecPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);
string myDB;
public TBotDataBase()
amountUsers = 0;
dt = new DataTable();
myDB = Path.Combine(myExecPath, this.GetType().Name, myDBName);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Users Commands:
!google searchTerm
eg: !google sausages
!sqlinsertuser USERNAME true|false(isadmin)
eg: !sqlinsertuser root true
!sqlremoveuser USERNAME|USERID
eg: !sqlremoveuser root, !sqlremoveuser 2
!sqlupdateuser USERNAME|USERID true|false(isadmin)
eg: the same as the others
This will enable the chatBotAPI that will pull conversations from Pandorabots ALICE bot
thet botname is replaced within the code to the bot.username
Since this is a self contained dotnet app, you can run it on mac ubuntu and windows, just publish the project to run execute:
dotnet run TBot.dll
Any thing else let me known