Hey everyone! My name is Joshua Levy and I'm starting an Open Source AI project with a group of friends. There are some really interesting projects that I would like to work on as a machine learning enthusiast, and I know many people of many different talents. Believe me, this is not our day job, but I hope this serves as a medium to be expressive, intellectually stimulated, and learn some new skills along the way.
Without further-a-do, here are some initial projects that I'm interested in working on:
- Unreal Engine with Python + AI
- Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks to have a car teach itself to drive.
- Generate new organisms and have them teach themselves how to walk through GA + NN, Spore?
- https://github.com/20tab/UnrealEnginePython
- https://github.com/magnificus/EvolutionTree
- Generating new Music through GA + NN (Maybe LTSM) and conversion of music to and from images (deep learning)
- Visualize a book through semantic and syntactic NLP Machine Learning and image recognition
- Images are generated as you read the book
- Recreate mental images through ML on Neuron Networks in mind, cube model perhaps..
- Simulating longitudinal social networks
- Social Physics - Great dataset to get started with: http://realitycommons.media.mit.edu/gallery.html
- http://d4d.orange.com/home
- Studying how anarchic organizational patterns influence social networks, and consequently the flow of ideas that can influence productivity (maybe involvement of Social Physics)
- Concentration on idea flow (exploration and engagement) and social learning (ideas to habits, accelerated by social pressure).
- MNIST Tests with GAs and NN; high complexity models but trying to avoid overfitting
- Game of Life: Let's take inspiration from games such as spore, and civilization, and build a game which that has agents that procreate and live life. We can include omnivores, carnivores, herbivores, birds, fish, and land creatures.
- etc.
These are just some ideas. I'll add more, and we can also start a blog to document our progress and show off our knowledge and new skills.
We need people of all backgrounds to help with development. Particularly, we need:
- Data Scientists
- C++ programmers
- Python programmers
- Modelers/Designers/Artists
- Data Visualization Experts
- People who like to write about stuff
- Mostly, people with an interest looking for some fun and learning!!!
Let's explore together. Stand by for updates.
Current Projects:
- CarAI- Joshua, Hide, Daniel
- MNIST_AI- Jordan, Joshua, Jeffrey
- StoryAI- Hide, Joshua
Here's our team so far:
- Naoki - Not sure yet
- Hide - Visualization
- Joshua - Machine Learning Programmer / Data Scientist
- Jordan - Data Scientist in Training
- Jeffrey - The Idea Man / Data Scientist / Coder
- Daniel - Modeling / Artist
- Mustafa - Not sure yet
- Alex?
Lastly, I started a blog for our development progress on Medium. Feel free to post on our page. (though here's some interesting posts about deep social networks 12):
And if you want to check out my own personal blog:
One thing we may need to work on: Custom anaconda environment for development. I have my own, but we will post a tutorial about how to use Anaconda to download packages. Stay tuned!!