Encrypt and decrypt raw text using expand Vigenere (with ASCII)
The password change during the execution for each set of characters in input text
The space change for a point(.), a dash(-), a underscore(_), a tilde (~) or a space( ) randomly
In this version the text must be of maximum 1 MB of character
The pass must be of maximum 64 characters.
cryptoJKA from JKA Network - Version: 0.5.0
The text must be between ASCII 32 and ASCII 126
-f [file_name] input file
-o [file_name] output file (default : crypt.out)
-p [text] password (default: pass)
-t [text] text (default: text) If you put -f and -t, text have preference
-e encrypt mode
-d decrypt mode
-b use encryptation algorithm before 0.4.5
-r [number] with random generation [number of character]
-h, --help show this box
-v, --version show version
cryptojka -e -t "Example text" -p password -o file_name -r 600
cryptojka -d -f file_name -p password
If -f, -o, -p, -t or -r don't have argument it will print the error Segmentation fault (core dumped)
If input text (like -t [text] or -p [text]) have bash special characters (&, $, !...) bash will print the error bash: [part of text]: event not found or bash: [part of text]: command not found
If you find new bugs report it us. Thanks.
- Web Site: www.jkanetwork.com
- E-mail: contacto@jkanetwork.com
- GPLv3