prepABEL is a single script combining BASH line commands to grab data from dosage VCF files generated by Michigan Imputation Server and prepare input files to run survival analyses with ProbABEL, a software to do survival analysis relying upon imputed genotyped dosage data.
prepABEL prepares the following ProbABEL input files:
- Genomic Predictor file (.gp),
- INFO file (.info),
- MAP (.map; optional for ProbABEL)
prepABEL does not require an installation. It only needs a Linux shell able to run BASH line commands.
prepABEL chunks dose VCF files according to the number of rows and transpose the SNP x individuals data to an individual x SNP matrix file (Fig. 1), in the format required by ProbABEL.
prepABEL is programmed to be run on supercomputer resources, but can be easily adapted to run in a stand-alone context. This can be done modifying the number of lines to be processed (see "number_lines" variable; we suggest using a default value of 50,000 if a laptop is used).
prepABEL may also be modified to chunk the output files into smallers files if lack of memory is a limit to run ProbABEL with large genomic predictor files. An example script to perfom the chunking is provided too.
Some other tools such as VCFtools ( lets one to grab defined fields (see --extract-FORMAT-info filtering options) and thus extract a large matrix of genotypes or imputed genotype doses (or probabilities), but still a matrix tranpose operation is required to work with ProABEL. And it needs installation while prepABEL runs as is!
Figure 1. prepABEL is able to transpose vcf data into a genomic predictor file (a), and capture selected columns to prepare an INFO SNP (b) and MAP (c) files to conduct survival analysis.
prepABEL has been presented in the ATS 2017 Conference in Washington, 19-24 May, 2017. It has been developed by our staff at the Genomics Division of the Institute of Energy and Renewable Energy (ITER), Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN.
prepABEL code is available below. Please, feel free to contact me at "jlorsal" @ "" for any further information.
Please, cite prepABEL as follows:
J. Lorenzo-Salazar, S.F. Ma, J. M. Oldham, I. Noth, and C. Flores
American Thoracic Society International Conference, A6796
May 19-24, 2017, Washington DC, USA
prepABEL has been succesfully used to perform a Genome-Wide Association Study of Survival in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) in a subset of patients of European ancestry from a recent IPF GWAS, working with VCF files of about 1,000 individuals by 39 million variants. See:
American Thoracic Society International Conference, A7649
May 19-24, 2017, Washington DC, USA
J. M. Oldham, R. Allen, J. Lorenzo-Salazar, S. F. Ma, Y. Huang, Y. Zhang, N. Kaminski, M. Seldin, M. D. Tobin, C. Flores, L. V. Wain, R. G. Jenkins, and I. Noth
prepABEL code is shown below. Copy and paste this code into a plain-text file and name it as ''. An example is provided here:
To run prepABEL, open a shell console (in most Linux systems, press CTRL+ALT+T keys simultaneously) and call BASH as follows:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following code is to be executed in a HPC infraestructure working with SLURM
# Delete code between dashed lines if a local environment will be used instead
# Test this code with a chromosome to check that everything runs smoothly
# Read the first element of the command line array to grab the chromosome number from
chromosome=chr$1 # $1 grabs the first element of shell command line array
#SBATCH -p batch
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=16
#SBATCH -t 1-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=60000
#SBATCH -o prepABEL_%j.out
#SBATCH -e prepABEL_%j.err
#SBATCH -D /path-to-folder/slurm/
#Send job to a queue: sbatch
## Source modules in the actual user profile
source /etc/profile.d/
## Load ProABEL module
module load probAbel/0.5
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Preparing files for probABEL to run Survival Analysis on dosage VCF files from Michigan Imputation Server #
# Description of pipeline:
# 1. Prepare the SNP info file for probABEL
# 2. Inspect imputed VCF file and chunk into smaller files (decide whether you lately will want chunked VCFs
# with or without headers)
# 3. Extract the list of individuals
# 4. Build up a map file with ids, positions, ref and alt alleles for probABEL
# 5. Iterate over the chunked VCF small files, and collect dosage data
# 6. Paste all intermediate files to get a final Genomic Predictor file for probABEL
# 7. Remove unnecessary files
# 8. Auxiliary file operations: replace missing data with 'NA' and replace tabulators with spaces, if needed
# (uncomment lines)
# Unless you want to process everything within the same batch, write down the name of the chromosome imputed VCF file
# Do not include file extensions
#chromosome="chr1" # <--- UPDATE this variable with each chromosome under analysis if running in local mode
echo "====================================================================="
echo "=== prepABEL"
echo "=== v1"
echo "=== A program to prepare files for ProbABEL survival analyses"
echo "=== with dosage VCF imputation files from Michigan Imputation Server"
echo "=== See more at:"
echo "=== Genomics Division"
echo "=== Institute of Technology and Renewable Energy (ITER) 2017"
echo "====================================================================="
echo ""
echo ""
echo "================================ Path to files ================================"
echo "Analyzing chromosome $chromosome"
echo "Root path: $root1"
echo "Output files saved to $output"
echo ""
# ################### #
# 1. Prepare SNP file #
# ################### #
echo "============================= Preparing SNP file ============================="
echo "Base filename is... " $file
cut -f1-7 $input/$ > $output/probabel.$
echo ""
# ##################################################### #
# 2. Inspect VCF file and chunking in smaller VCF files #
# ##################################################### #
# To process dose.VCF from Michigan Imputation Server, you must deal with very large files,
# problaby containing thousands of millions of data
# A better strategy will be to chunk the imputed VCF file into smaller files
# After collecting the necessary data, all chunked prepared files will be pasted altogether
echo "================================ Inspection of VCF files ================================"
echo "Inspecting the size of the imputed VCF..."
# Count the lines in file
# a=$(wc -l $file | awk '{print $1}')
# echo "The number of lines in the VCF file is: " $a
# A conservative number of lines will be 75.000 for my laptop, considering 1000 individuals x 87500 lines =
# 87.500.000 variant values per file!
# Grab the header
echo "Grabbing the header of $file.dose.vcf"
head -n 1000 $input/$file.dose.vcf | grep "^#" > $output/header
# Count the number of lines in header
number_of_lines_in_header=$(wc -l $output/header | awk '{print $1}')
row_to_start_grabbing=$(( $number_of_lines_in_header + 1))
# Grab the non header lines
echo "Grabbing the non header lines of $file.dose.vcf"
echo "Warning: this will take a time depending on your VCF size"
grep -v "^#" $input/$file.dose.vcf > $output/variants
# Results for the abstract: take a 20 GB file and remove the header
# Command: time { grep -v "^#" $file.dose.vcf > variants2; }
# real 6m38.662s
# user 0m2.560s
# sys 0m25.852s
# Results for a paper/abstract: take a 20 GB file and remove the header
# A file for a big chromosome could be about 100 GB, which represents about 30 "real" minutes
# Command: time { tail -n +$row_to_start_grabbing chr21.dose.vcf > variants; }
# real 6m52.265s
# user 0m2.232s
# sys 0m34.892s
echo "Created variants file with no header"
# Split into chunks with $c lines
echo "Splitting the VCF into chunks of smaller size..."
split -d -l $number_lines -a 3 $output/variants $output/variants_
# Reattach the header to each and clean up
echo "Reattaching the VCF header to each chunk VCF and clean up..."
# ################################## #
# 3. Extract the list of individuals #
# ################################## #
# Extract the individuals from the header
echo "Extracting individuals from the VCF file as a row-vector..."
# Take the last row of header, as determined by "number_of_lines_in_header"
awk -v hd=$number_of_lines_in_header 'NR==hd {for (i=10 ; i<=NF ; i++) {printf("%s\t", $i)} print ""}' $output/header > $output/individuals
# Transpose the row-vector of individuals as a column-vector, and insert an index as column 1 and the string "MLDOSE"
# as column 3
# Reference for transposing a file:
echo "Transposing the row-vector of individuals into a column-vector, inserting indexes and strings..."
awk '
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
a[NR,i] = $i
NF>x { x = NF }
for(j=1; j<=x; j++) {
for(i=2; i<=NR; i++){
print j"->"str" MLDOSE" # Prepare a matrix with columns 1, 2, and 3 following probABEL specifications
}' $output/individuals > $output/t_individuals
echo ""
# ################################# #
# 4. Prepare a MAP file for probABEL #
# ################################# #
echo "================================ Preparing MAP file ================================"
# Use 'variants' file (it does not have a header) and select columns to build up a map file
echo "rs position REF(0) ALT(1)" > $output/guide
awk '{print $3,$2,$4,$5}' $output/variants > $output/probabel.$file.map_
cat $output/guide $output/probabel.$file.map_ > $output/probabel.$
rm -f $output/guide $output/probabel.$file.map_
echo ""
# ###################################################################################### #
# 5. Iterate over the number of chunked VCF files and prepare the GENOMIC PREDICTOR file #
# ###################################################################################### #
# For each chunked VCF small file
for file in $output/variants_*; do
echo ""
echo "*************************** File in Process ***************************************"
echo "Working file is $file"
# Save chunked VCF filename into a temporal variable
# Read the dosage VCF file, line by line, and extract the dosage field information for each SNP
# at each individual. Write the data into a SNP by individual matrix:
echo "Reading dosage VCF data..."
# If chunked VCF have header, add "NR>10"
# awk -F: -v f=5 'NR>10{{for(i=f ; i<=NF ; i+=2) printf("%s\t",$i)} print""}' $file > $file.snps_x_individuals
# If chunked VCF do not have headers, start to grab lines from the very first line
# If necessary, you may replace tabs by spaces in the output
awk -F: -v k=5 '{{for(i=k ; i<=NF ; i+=2) printf("%s\t",$i)} print""}' $file > $file.snps_x_individuals
# Transpose the SNP by individual matrix into a individual by SNP matrix ('individuals_x_snps' file)
echo "Transposing dosage VCF data..."
awk '
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
a[NR,i] = $i
NF>x { x = NF }
for(j=1; j<=x; j++) {
for(i=2; i<=NR; i++){
print str
}' $file.snps_x_individuals > $file.individuals_x_snps
# Remove intermediate files
rm -f $f
rm -f $file.snps_x_individuals
echo ""
# END of loop for chunked-files
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Warning: before "done" there must be a ";" to close the for-loop
echo "" ;
# ################################################################################# #
# 6. Paste all intermediate files to get a final Genomic Predictor file for probABEL #
# ################################################################################# #
# Paste the matrix of index-individual-"MLDOSE" and dosage matrix to prepare the probABEL 'genomic_predictor' file.
echo "Pasting individuals and dose matrices into a genomic prediction file..."
paste $output/t_individuals $output/variants_*.individuals_x_snps > $output/probabel.$
echo ""
# ################################################################################# #
# 7. Paste all intermediate files to get a final Genomic Predictor file for probABEL #
# ################################################################################# #
echo "================================ Removal of temporal files ================================"
# Remove intermediate files
echo "Removing intermediate files..."
echo ""
rm -f $output/individuals $output/t_individuals $output/header $output/variants_*.individuals_x_snps $output/$file.individuals_x_snps
# Delete the big files
rm -f $output/variants
# ######################################################################################## #
# 8. Auxiliar file operations: replace missing data with "NA" and replace tabs with spaces #
# ######################################################################################## #
echo "================================ Replace tabs with spaces. Ending of prepABEL ================================"
# Replace missing data with 'NA' within phenotype file. If necessary, uncomment next line
#awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" } { for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if($i ~ /^ *$/) $i = "NA" }; 1' $phenotypes/phenotypes_revised.csv > $phenotypes/phenotypes_revised_noNA.csv
# Replace tabs with spaces, if needed (note: 'tr' pipelined to 'cat' does the same)
echo "Replacing tabs by spaces in ProABEL prepared files..."
awk '{$1=$1}1' OFS=" " $output/probabel.$ > $output/probabel.$
awk '{$1=$1}1' OFS=" " $output/probabel.$ > $output/probabel.$
awk '{$1=$1}1' OFS=" " $output/probabel.$ > $output/probabel.$
# Discard files with tabs and keep files with spaces as delimiters
rm -f $output/probabel.$ $output/probabel.$ $output/probabel.$
# Rename ProbABEL files
mv $output/probabel.$ $output/probabel.$
mv $output/probabel.$ $output/probabel.$
mv $output/probabel.$ $output/probabel.$
echo "================================ End of prepABEL Script ================================ "
# ########################################### #
# 9. Perform Survival Analysis using ProbABEL #
# ########################################### #
# Run Cox Proportional Relative Hazard model using variants dosage data, SNP information, MAP information,
# and phenotypes, using all covariates declared (see ProbABEL manual at
pacoxph -p $phenotypes/probabel.phenotypes \
-d $output/probabel.$ \
-i $output/probabel.$ \
-m $output/probabel.$ \
--allcov \
-o $coxph/probabel.$gp_filename.coxph
# End of script