If you download a video from the Internet and when you open it, the video player indicates a shorter length than the correct one, then you need this solution:
-mainFolder - example1.mp4 - example2.mp4 - example3.mp4
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
chmod +x ./videoFixLength.sh
Just execute this batch in the mainFolder ./videoFixLength.sh
Description about batch: Create a temp folder named "fix" mkdir fix;
For each file will apply a command that will fix the duration problem and save it inside the "fix" folder.
for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -ignore_editlist 1 -i "$i" -codec copy ./fix/"$i"
Delete the video from the main folder and end loop
rm -r ./"$i"; done;
Move all fixed videos to the main folder
mv ./fix/*.mp4 ./;
Remove "fix" folder
rm -r ./fix