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phpF formats PHP code by making it readable and helps your code to follow coding guidelines.

This is a fork of the project phpfmt.


  • PHP 5.6 or newer


php phpf.phar <arguments>


Argument Description
--cache[=FILENAME] cache file. Default:
--cakephp Apply CakePHP coding style
--config=FILENAME configuration file. Default: .phpf.ini
--constructor=type analyse classes for attributes and generate constructor - camel, snake, golang
--dry-run Runs the formatter without atually changing files; returns exit code 1 if changes would have been applied
--enable_auto_align disable auto align of ST_EQUAL and T_DOUBLE_ARROW
--exclude=pass1,passN,... disable specific passes
--help-pass show specific information for one pass
--ignore=PATTERN-1,PATTERN-N,... ignore file names whose names contain any PATTERN-N
--indent_with_space=SIZE use spaces instead of tabs for indentation. Default 4
--lint-before lint files before pretty printing (PHP must be declared in %PATH%/$PATH)
--list list possible transformations
--list-simple list possible transformations - greppable
--no-backup no backup file (original.php~)
--passes=pass1,passN,... call specific compiler pass
--profile=NAME use one of profiles present in configuration file
--psr activate PSR1 and PSR2 styles
--psr1 activate PSR1 style
--psr1-naming activate PSR1 style - Section 3 and 4.3 - Class and method names case.
--psr2 activate PSR2 style
--setters_and_getters=type analyse classes for attributes and generate setters and getters - camel, snake, golang
--smart_linebreak_after_curly convert multistatement blocks into multiline blocks
--visibility_order fixes visibiliy order for method in classes - PSR-2 4.2
--yoda yoda-style comparisons
-h, --help this help message
-o=- output the formatted code to standard output
-o=file output the formatted code to "file"
-v verbose

Currently Supported Transformations:

  • AddMissingParentheses Add extra parentheses in new instantiations.
  • AliasToMaster Replace function aliases to their masters - only basic syntax alias.
  • AlignConstVisibilityEquals Vertically align "=" of visibility and const blocks.
  • AlignDoubleArrow Vertically align T_DOUBLE_ARROW (=>).
  • AlignDoubleSlashComments Vertically align "//" comments.
  • AlignEquals Vertically align "=".
  • AlignGroupDoubleArrow Vertically align T_DOUBLE_ARROW (=>) by line groups.
  • AlignPHPCode Align PHP code within HTML block.
  • AlignPHPCode2 Align PHP code within opening and closing php block.
  • AlignTypehint Vertically align function type hints.
  • AllmanStyleBraces Transform all curly braces into Allman-style.
  • AutoPreincrement Automatically convert postincrement to preincrement.
  • AutoSemicolon Add semicolons in statements ends.
  • CakePHPStyle Applies CakePHP Coding Style
  • ClassToSelf "self" is preferred within class, trait or interface.
  • ClassToStatic "static" is preferred within class, trait or interface.
  • ConvertOpenTagWithEcho Convert from "<?=" to "<?php echo ".
  • DocBlockToComment Replace docblocks with regular comments when used in non structural elements.
  • DoubleToSingleQuote Convert from double to single quotes.
  • EchoToPrint Convert from T_ECHO to print.
  • EncapsulateNamespaces Encapsulate namespaces with curly braces
  • GeneratePHPDoc Automatically generates PHPDoc blocks
  • IndentTernaryConditions Applies indentation to ternary conditions.
  • JoinToImplode Replace implode() alias (join() -> implode()).
  • LeftWordWrap Word wrap at 80 columns - left justify.
  • LongArray Convert short to long arrays.
  • MergeElseIf Merge if with else.
  • SplitElseIf Merge if with else.
  • MergeNamespaceWithOpenTag Ensure there is no more than one linebreak before namespace
  • MildAutoPreincrement Automatically convert postincrement to preincrement. (Deprecated pass. Use AutoPreincrement instead).
  • NewLineBeforeReturn Add an empty line before T_RETURN.
  • OrganizeClass Organize class, interface and trait structure.
  • OrderAndRemoveUseClauses Order use block and remove unused imports.
  • OnlyOrderUseClauses Order use block - do not remove unused imports.
  • OrderMethod Organize class, interface and trait structure.
  • OrderMethodAndVisibility Organize class, interface and trait structure.
  • PHPDocTypesToFunctionTypehint Read variable types from PHPDoc blocks and add them in function signatures.
  • PrettyPrintDocBlocks Prettify Doc Blocks
  • PSR2EmptyFunction Merges in the same line of function header the body of empty functions.
  • PSR2MultilineFunctionParams Break function parameters into multiple lines.
  • ReindentAndAlignObjOps Align object operators.
  • ReindentSwitchBlocks Reindent one level deeper the content of switch blocks.
  • RemoveIncludeParentheses Remove parentheses from include declarations.
  • RemoveSemicolonAfterCurly Remove semicolon after closing curly brace.
  • RemoveUseLeadingSlash Remove leading slash in T_USE imports.
  • ReplaceBooleanAndOr Convert from "and"/"or" to "&&"/"||". Danger! This pass leads to behavior change.
  • ReplaceIsNull Replace is_null($a) with null === $a.
  • RestoreComments Revert any formatting of comments content.
  • ReturnNull Simplify empty returns.
  • ShortArray Convert old array into new array. (array() -> [])
  • SmartLnAfterCurlyOpen Add line break when implicit curly block is added.
  • SortUseNameSpace Organize use clauses by length and alphabetic order.
  • SpaceAroundControlStructures Add space around control structures.
  • SpaceAroundExclamationMark Add spaces around exclamation mark.
  • SpaceAroundParentheses Add spaces inside parentheses.
  • SpaceBetweenMethods Put space between methods.
  • StrictBehavior Activate strict option in array_search, base64_decode, in_array, array_keys, mb_detect_encoding. Danger! This pass leads to behavior change.
  • StrictComparison All comparisons are converted to strict. Danger! This pass leads to behavior change.
  • StripExtraCommaInArray Remove trailing commas within array blocks
  • StripNewlineAfterClassOpen Strip empty lines after class opening curly brace.
  • StripNewlineAfterCurlyOpen Strip empty lines after opening curly brace.
  • StripNewlineWithinClassBody Strip empty lines after class opening curly brace.
  • StripSpaces Remove all empty spaces
  • StripSpaceWithinControlStructures Strip empty lines within control structures.
  • TightConcat Ensure string concatenation does not have spaces, except when close to numbers.
  • TrimSpaceBeforeSemicolon Remove empty lines before semi-colon.
  • UpgradeToPreg Upgrade ereg_* calls to preg_*
  • WordWrap Word wrap at 80 columns.
  • WrongConstructorName Update old constructor names into new ones.
  • YodaComparisons Execute Yoda Comparisons.


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  • PHP 100.0%