scripts to download/transform pre- and post-disaster images
- get images from Maxar
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--disaster TEXT name of the disaster
--dest TEXT destination folder
--maxpre INTEGER max number of pre-disaster images
--maxpost INTEGER max number of post-disaster images
--help Show this message and exit.
- filter images
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--mosaic TEXT merge overlapping rasters
--data TEXT original images
--dest TEXT destination folder
--ntl TEXT filter pre-event images by night-time lights (yes/no)
--bbox TEXT filter pre-event images by bounding box (CSV format)
--country TEXT country
--help Show this message and exit.
- transform for damage classification (after building detection)
usage: [-h] [--version VERSION] --data DATA
--dest DEST [--create-image-stamps]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version VERSION set a version number to identify dataset (default: 0)
--data DATA input data path (default: None)
--dest DEST output data path (default: None)
For each building shape, creates a before and after
image stamp for the learning model, and places them in
the approriate directory (train, validation, or test)
(default: True)