A command line tool with no external dependencies to print information about an X server instance.
To build the code in this repository, run
$ make
The latter command produces the xinfo
executable, which can be run to get
information about the X server running for the current session.
$ ./xinfo
A different X display can be selected by setting the DISPLAY
variable such that
$ DISPLAY=hostname:D.S ./xinfo
returns information about display D
and screen S
on host hostname
Here is an example of the output produced by xinfo
xinfo - X server information printer
Vendor....................................... The X.Org Foundation
Version...................................... 11.0
Release number............................... 1.20.13
Resource ID base............................. 0x04000000
Resource ID mask............................. 0x001fffff
Motion buffer size........................... 256
Maximum request length....................... 16777212 bytes
Image byte order............................. little endian
Bitmap format bit order...................... least significant first
Bitmap format scanline unit.................. 32
Bitmap format scanline pad................... 32
Max keycode.................................. 255
Min keycode.................................. 8
Number of pixmap formats..................... 7
Number of screens............................ 1
Pixmap formats:
* depth = 1, bits per pixel = 1, scanline pad = 32
* depth = 4, bits per pixel = 8, scanline pad = 32
* depth = 8, bits per pixel = 8, scanline pad = 32
* depth = 15, bits per pixel = 16, scanline pad = 32
* depth = 16, bits per pixel = 16, scanline pad = 32
* depth = 24, bits per pixel = 32, scanline pad = 32
* depth = 32, bits per pixel = 32, scanline pad = 32
Screen #0
Root..................................... 0x0000079f
Default colormap......................... 0x00000020
White pixel.............................. 0x00ffffff
Black pixel.............................. 0x00000000
Current input mask....................... 0x00fa8033
Key press.............................. yes
Key release............................ yes
Button press........................... no
Button release......................... no
Enter window........................... yes
Leave window........................... yes
Pointer motion......................... no
Pointer motion hint.................... no
Button 1 motion........................ no
Button 2 motion........................ no
Button 3 motion........................ no
Button 4 motion........................ no
Button 5 motion........................ no
Button motion.......................... no
Keymap state........................... no
Exposure............................... yes
Visibility change...................... no
Structure notify....................... yes
Resize redirect........................ no
Substructure notify.................... yes
Substructure redirect.................. yes
Focus change........................... yes
Property change........................ yes
Colormap change........................ yes
Owner grab button...................... no
Size..................................... 1920x1080 pixels (508x285 mm)
Installed maps........................... min = 1, max = 1
Root visual id........................... 0x00000021
Backing stores........................... when mapped
Save unders.............................. no
Root depth............................... 24
Number of allowed depths................. 7
Allowed depths:
* depth = 24, number of visuals: 576
* depth = 1, number of visuals: 0
* depth = 4, number of visuals: 0
* depth = 8, number of visuals: 0
* depth = 15, number of visuals: 0
* depth = 16, number of visuals: 0
* depth = 32, number of visuals: 24
Font search paths:
* /usr/share/fonts/misc
* /usr/share/fonts/TTF
* /usr/share/fonts/100dpi
* /usr/share/fonts/75dpi
* built-ins
Supported extensions: 28
* BIG-REQUESTS............................. v2.0
* Composite................................ v0.4
* DAMAGE................................... v1.1
* DOUBLE-BUFFER............................ v1.0
* DPMS..................................... v1.2
* DRI2..................................... v1.4
* DRI3..................................... v1.2
* GLX...................................... v1.4
* Generic Event Extension.................. v1.0
* MIT-SCREEN-SAVER......................... v1.1
* MIT-SHM.................................. v1.2
* Present.................................. v1.2
* RANDR.................................... v1.6
* RECORD................................... v1.13
* RENDER................................... v0.11
* SECURITY................................. v1.0
* SHAPE.................................... v1.1
* SYNC..................................... v3.1
* X-Resource............................... v1.0
* XC-MISC.................................. v1.1
* XFIXES................................... v5.0
* XFree86-DGA.............................. v2.0
* XFree86-VidModeExtension................. v2.2
* XINERAMA................................. v1.0
* XInputExtension.......................... v2.3
* XKEYBOARD................................ v1.0
* XTEST.................................... v2.2
* XVideo................................... v2.2
If an extension version shows up as unknown, then the extension is not
supported by the current version of xinfo
. Feel free to open a pull request to
add support for said extension.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.