What does it do?
It generates a html sheet that lists every card on your puppets it has 2 modes
Sell mode (run first): Lists every card the puppets have with /nation={puppet} perfect for switching containers to list every card
Buy mode (run first: Lists every card the puppets have with /nation={main} perfect for buying lots and lots of cards.
How to make it work Put your puppets in names_list.csv Use _ for spaces Run or then Run Sheet
Last but not least open up the HTML document and enjoy buying/selling the cards
Key code short cuts.user.js Read the top comments in the code itself put the code into tampermonkey
No Region Move.js This is simple just put your nations name in the code and it prevents you from moving the nation
The Bodge Job.js The safer version of Breeze++ with almost all the same tools (even a bit faster) and open soruced! This includes the No Region Move code. For how to work copy and paste the code into tamper monkey and then fill in your info on top