Relay is a Go framework for task queues, and makes writing code for publishers and consumers very simple. It is a wrapper around the AMQP protocol, and relies on a message broker like RabbitMQ.
The reason Relay exists is that AMQP is a tedious protocol to deal with, and the high level abstraction of a task queue is often something that is desirable. With Relay, you simply Publish objects into task queues, and Consume them on the other end.
- Simple to use, hides the AMQP details
- Flexible encoding and decoding support
- Configuration changes instead of code changes
See the online documentation here:
Here is an example of a simple publisher:
conf := &relay.Config{Addr: "rabbitmq"}
conn, err := relay.New(conf)
defer conn.Close()
pub, err := conn.Publisher("tasks")
defer pub.Close()
pub.Publish("this is a test message")
Here is an example of a simple consumer:
conf := &relay.Config{Addr: "rabbitmq"}
conn, err := relay.New(conf)
defer conn.Close()
cons, err := conn.Consumer("tasks")
defer cons.Close()
var msg string
for {
fmt.Printf("Got msg: %s\n", msg)
Here is an example of a consumer using prefetching and multi Acks:
conf := &relay.Config{Addr: "rabbitmq", PrefetchCount: 5, EnableMultiAck: true}
conn, err := relay.New(conf)
defer conn.Close()
cons, err := conn.Consumer("tasks")
defer cons.Close()
var msg string
for {
// Consume 5 messages
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Got msg: %s\n", msg)
// Acks the last 5 messages