A multi-process rendering script for Blender VSE.
Pulverize is a script for rendering video from Blender using multiple processes.
If you have, say, an 8 core processor (like me), Blender's Video Sequence Editor will only use 1 of those when rendering. This is a huge waste of computing power, and makes render times intolerably slow. This script will render the video in parts, using one process for each part. This means renders are 8 times faster with a machine like mine. You get all the benefits of multithreaded rendering in Blender without Blender VSE actually being multithreaded.
You will need:
- Blender (duh)
- FFMPEG (for putting all the video parts together)
- Python
- Linux, or a compatible system
Download this repository, and extract it to your computer somewhere. You can make a link to it to run it easily like this:
sudo ln -s path/to/pulverize.php /usr/bin/pulverize
pulverize.php <blender_project_file> [<number_of_processes>] [<options>]
pulverize.php project.blend 6 '{\"keepTempFiles\":true,\"displayStdErr\":true}'
Options are given in JSON format as an object. (They should be flags, but that's a TODO for another time.)
- keepTempFiles defaults to false. When true, the frame range renders and the FFMPEG input script won't be deleted.
- displayStdErr defaults to false. When true, StdErr stream from the blender processes will be displayed along with the Pulverize progress indicator. FFMPEG will also show warnings, not just errors.
Cause PHP is a badass scripting language. Also, I don't know Python.
Cause I wrote this for me. This is how I code when no one's watching, and judging me for that would be wrong. ;)