The QT Installer Framework V4.5.2 for Homebrew Update from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2
brew tap jmuelbert/qtifw
brew install qtifw [options]
By default (without any additional options) this formula install the Qt Installer Framework. Please see the list of available options to disable any bit of default behavior or add even more stuff.
To get list of all available options, call
brew info qtifw
Here is the relevant part from output that command for your convenience.
Note that by default qtifw builds all command line tools are installed.
Note that --HEAD builds are not really supported. They may fail to install, they may crash at run time. Or even worse, the may work as expected. So use this option at your own risk. And feel free to open up issues.
brew help
, man brew
or check Homebrew's documentation.
The documentation for the Qt Installer Framework is located on
Please see the contributing guide
Please checkout Issues page for a list of all known issues.
Many thanks to everyone reporting issues.
Code is under the European Public License V1.2.