This program is a demonstration of the gradient descent algorithm for pathing around obstacles in a 3D environment. It uses VPython to display 3D graphics and NumPy for matrix calculations. Implementation done in Python 3.8.7, no other versions tested.
- Install requirements with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Run "python"
- The program will set up the inital scene based on lists cyl_pts and ball_pts (Note: Bind the function print_pos to a click event to test cylinder positions)
- The program is hard coded to generate 6 balls, but this can be adjusted by adding the proper number of color values to the colors list along side updates to ball_pts
- After initial set up, click anywhere in the bounds defined by the white rectangle to have all balls path towards it
- When a ball reaches the goal, it will stop and wait for the other balls to arrive
- The program will loop until all balls reach the goal (Note: Program status will be shown in a caption below the scene)
- The goal can be dynamically changed both while pathing and while stationary
- Balls may get stuck if the goal is placed too close to an obstacle that directly blocks its path
- Balls are repelled by eachother, which can make all balls reaching the goal difficult (Note: Place a new goal between the balls until the status is no longer pathing)
- Placing obstacles too close to eachother will result in local maxima that balls will not be able to path through
Algorithm: Cost Minimization for Animated Geometric Models in Computer Graphics by David E. Breen
Documentation for Vpython:
Documentation for NumPy: