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uspb = Url Shorter + Paste Bin.


The visitor submits the text. For the text starts with http, It provider a redirect, otherwise it will display a card with the input text.

It's hosted by Deno, using Deno kv OR Turso database service.

Made with Fresh

Demo (This is just a demo, no data security guarantees are provided.)

1 Usage

This project supports independent deployment after forking. There are two database options: denokv (recommended) and turso database.

1.1 Use DenoKV as database

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Go to Deno, integrate with your github account.
  3. Create a project use the repo you just forked.
  4. Set ENV in your project

PASSWD is an optional environment variable; if it does not exist, it will not be validated during create short url.

That's all

1.2 Use Turso as database

Turso is a edge database service.

  1. Fork the repo(use branch turso_as_db as deploy branch)
  2. Go to Deno, integrate with your github account.
  3. Create a project use the repo you just forked.
  4. Go to turso dashborad, create your own database and get the token.
# install the turso CLI
curl -sSfL | bash
# Create a db
turso auth login
turso db create mydata

# Get the url
turso db list

# Get the token
turso db tokens create mydata
  1. Create the table with the schema:
# Into SQL CLI;
turso db shell mydata
# in the SQL CLI
create table short_url(
  short_code varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY,
  url text not null,
  access_count integer default 0,
  created_at integer default (cast(unixepoch() as int))
# Press Ctrl+D for quit
  1. Set the env in Deno project in projects -> Setting -> Environment Variables. Here is example:
PASSWD="Changeme" (Optional)

1.3 self-hosted

Run your instance with containers:

docker run -d --name uspb -v ~/vol/uspb:/app/data -p 3000:3000 -e

Consider replacing the following options:

Option Explanation
-v ./xx:/app/data Persist data in sqlite3 file Outside the container
-p xx:3000 the port to expose
-e SITE_URL= your site address